Apple pie, For Apple Pie {vegan}

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Voici une petite recette sortie de derrière les fagots, une recette un peu oubliée et réalisée cet automne avec les premières pommes du jardin. Cette tarte aux pommes n’est pas une tarte comme les autres, c’est un souvenir que ceux qui sont allés aux Pays Bas connaissent bien, et je dois dire que cette appeltaart m’obsède depuis notre retour de voyage à Amsterdam avec Monsieur. En même temps durant ce voyage nous avons eu plutôt froid (voir bien froid pour un mois de mars) SO, il y avait souvent une bonne excuse pour se poser dans un café et déguster une bonne part de tourte aux pommes accompagnée de chantilly (gang of gourmands, va !). This time I wanted to rediscover the taste and texture of appeltaart but in a vegan version., to accompany or not with coconut whipped cream.

I also wanted to take the time to make this recipe and take a little time to photograph while the pie was being prepared., which is a slightly different exercise from what I usually do but I really enjoyed it (ok even if the device was covered in flour and I spent three hours cleaning it but that's another story !), so I hope you like it too.

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Apple pie, For Apple Pie {vegan}
Pour 1 pie
To print
  1. 1 kg 1/2 apples
  2. 60 g raisins
  3. 1 tablespoon of cinnamon
  4. 2 tablespoons of brown sugar
  5. The juice of a lemon
  6. 1 tablespoon of rice cream (cooked flour)
  8. 380 g wholemeal flour
  9. 225 g vegetable margarine
  10. 140 g whole sugar
  11. 3 tablespoons of vegetable milk
  12. 1 pinch of vanilla powder
  13. 1 pinch of salt
  1. Prepare the dough by sandblasting by hand or in a food processor fitted with a sheet, flour, sugar, the margarine, salt and vanilla. Then add the milk gradually and work to form a smooth dough.. Make a ball and keep cool 30 minutes.
  2. Preheat the oven to 180° from the bottom.
  3. During this time, cut the apples into cubes and lemon then mix them with the cinnamon, sugar, the raisins and the rice cream and pour them onto the base of the pastry.
  4. Roll out the rest of the dough then cut strips of 2 cm wide and arrange them nicely on top.
  5. Weld the outline of the dough with a fork then cut the excess with a knife.
  6. Sprinkle the pie with 1 tablespoon of brown sugar.
  7. Bake 20 minutes at 180° then lower the oven to 170° and let it cook 40 more minutes.
aime & mange
Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}

Appeltaart, tourte aux pommes {vegan}


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  • CookieM

    Yes ! It’s nice to see the progress of the preparation of this pie which seems very nice to me :)

  • Cecilecooks

    This is the kind of pie I love : simple, with frank tastes, fruity and so good !!

    • Emilie

      Thank you Cecile, me too, it’s my favorite pie 😉

  • Oh how beautiful this tart is!

  • Evelyne B

    This is quite appetizing, a truly rural side emerges, the photos undoubtedly also contribute to the atmosphere… Just need to get started. I will try it in Savoie in the first days of April with the wood stove on. ! Only happiness

    • Emilie

      Oh yes what a great idea !
      Thank you very much Evelyne 🙂

  • Coco

    How appetizing is this tart?!