Banana layer cake au caramel {vegan}

Banana layer cake

Aujourd’hui Mini-Mademoiselle fête ses 1 an… 1 an de bonheur, 1 an que ce petit bébé a changé notre vie, 1 an que je suis maman. Bon anniversaire mon petit ange. J’avais juste envie de lui offrir un joli gâteau pour ce jour si spécial, celui-ci était pour une autre occasion, mais il aurait pu être pour elle. Aujourd’hui mon esprit est bien trop occupé pour vous écrire quelques lignes je vous laisse donc avec ce gâteauen même temps je crois qu’il se passe de commentaires, non ?!

Allez juste quelques explications de ce banana layer cake : a base of banana bread with pecan nuts, vanilla icing and a hint of sauce caramel… What happiness !

Recette de banana layer cake

Recette layer cake à la banane

Banana layer cake

banana layer cake recipe

Banana layer cake

Decorate with pecans on top.


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  • Muriel

    Happy Birthday Mini Miss ! LOVE

  • Lily

    Just wonderful, that he wants ! The layers cakes the height of gluttony and yours is particularly greedy 😉

    • Emilie

      Thank you my beautiful for your compliments ^-^ Glad you like it !

  • It is superb!

  • velvet red

    He is magnificent!
    Thank you Emily!
    happy birthday baby!

  • mili

    oh but that's very beautiful
    and it was very good

    • Emilie

      Thank you Emily ! I confirm, it was to die for !

  • Royal Chill

    Oh the international slaughter ! It's adoreee ! 🙂

    • Emilie

      thank you girls, glad you like it (at the same time I know that I am addressing foodies in chief !!!) 😉

  • It speaks for itself except when it comes to affirming that it is magnificent and very but then very appetizing!!

    • Emilie

      Rohhhh that's nice, I'm blushing !!! Merciiiii 😉

  • Leah

    This cake is awesome !
    See you when you get back to celebrate !

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty !
      Yes we are keeping you informed 😉

  • Alison

    The cake looks amazing! And I love your new site, everything is so pretty about you!