Lemon crinkle cookies {without milk}

Je vous retrouve juste avant les fêtes pour une dernière recette gourmande de biscuits. Oui parce que les biscuits de Noël c’est quand même hyper cool, à offrir en cadeau gourmand, pour accompagner la café en fin de repas ou encore à l’heure du brunch. Cette année je vous partage ma recette de biscuits crinkles au citron, des biscuits que j’adore. Avec cette recette de biscuits de Noël, j’ai voulu reproduire mes biscuits préférés du monde entier, les tenerezze de Moulino Bianco, toute mon enfance (oui à Grenoble on est pas très loin de l’Italie !).
These cookies are soft and crunchy,
in short the perfect texture for good crinkles in my opinion ! No excuses for not launching a tour, no complicated ingredients or handling. And as I am a nice girl (yes it’s important to remember this !), I'll put you here the links to other Christmas cookies, if you ever want more ! THE butter broad parts, THE orange fingerprint cookies, THE shortbread with jam and the Viennese shortbread will come and make a nice assortment ! I wish you a wonderful Christmas and send you lots of love to sometimes face complicated situations. (yes that's also the holidays !).

Lemon crinkle cookies {without milk}

- 220 g of flour
- 50 g ground almonds
- 90 grams of sugar
- 100 g of margarine To 80% de MG
- 1 egg
- The juice of a lemon (30 ml)
- The zest of two lemons
- 8 g of baking powder
- 1 pinch of salt
- Icing sugar
- Sugar
- Mix the margarine, sugar and salt in a food processor to form an ointment.
- Then add the egg, lemon zest and juice then mix.
- Finally add the flour, almond powder and yeast, mix without overworking the dough.
- Refrigerate for 1 hour.
- Pour sugar and icing sugar into two different bowls.
- Form small balls the size of a small walnut then roll them successively in sugar then icing sugar.
- Place on a baking tray and bake at 170° to 12 minutes of cooking.
- Let cool and store in an iron box.

29.2.24Very nice recipe, merci ! I'll make these pretty cookies, for sure… even if it's not Christmas anymore !
See you soon
28.3.24Thank you very much Hélène for this message. ! J’en refais aussi hors période de fêtes, quand c’est encore la saison des citrons 🙂