Feta and herb bricks

Bricks à la feta

La cuisine moyen-orientale est pour Monsieur et moi un vrai plaisir qui nous évade et dans lequel nous nous sentons proche (oui, oui, je radote mais que voulez-vous je me fais plus toute jeune !!!). C’est en fait la cuisine que je préfère et les bricks en sont une partieA la viande, au fromageles possibilités sont multiples tout comme les pliages. Ici je vous propose des bricks en triangle mais vous pouvez aussi les rouler en cigares pour changer.

Traditionnellement avec du fromage akkaoui, I have a hard time getting it so I substitute it for feta which lends itself very well to the exercise. A little more onion and herbs and you have a perfect meze !

Bricks à la feta

And why don't you make a whole Lebanese meal with a fattouche, and moutabal and one houmous… ?!

Feta and herb bricks

Ingredients (for a dozen bricks)

  • 6-8 brick sheets
  • 400 g of feta
  • 1 small onion
  • 1/2 bouquet of parsley
  • 1/4 bunch of mint
  • Salt and pepper
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Finely chop the onion and chop the herbs. Mix everything with the feta to form the stuffing then season (attention, do not put too much salt because the feta is very salty !).

To make the bricks, cut your round pastry sheet in half then fold the rounded side to form a band.

Add the stuffing at the bottom of the pastry sheet then form a triangle by folding the right corner to the opposite corner. Continue like this by following the edges in order to reach the end of the brick.

Bricks à la feta

Arrange them on a baking sheet and drizzle with olive oil..

Bake 15 minutes.

Bricks à la feta

Enjoy hot.


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  • Dawn

    Mmm, I love feta, your little bricks are perfect for me!

  • we know

    I adore…

  • cookparadise

    That's what I like.

    Many apologies for my irregular visits, but I don't forget the friends



  • How I like these bricks !

  • argon

    Oh it is very nice your animated gif to explain ! very good idea, so we understand very well … I like bricks like this, In fact, we can decline ad infinitum., it's cool !

  • Hi girls,

    Just to let you know I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award !


    I thought it was funny, it's up to you if you want to participate 🙂

    See you soon
    Chloé // Bowl & spoon

    • Emilie

      Thank you Chloé for the Versatile even if we are not always assiduous !!! 😉

  • Car Oh

    Everything is beautiful and looks so good… nice discovery that your blog. I'm glad to have met you at Les Modernes this afternoon, it was definitely an invitation to gluttony !

  • touch

    Hi girls,
    I wanted to let you know that I have just nominated you in my favorite blogs for the Versatile blogger award : http://tchoupcooking.blogspot.fr/2013/06/ohhh-surprise-versatile-blogger-award.html.
    It's up to you now 😉
    See you soon. Kisses.

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss ! We promise you nothing but thank you very much for this nomination 😉

  • MIAMMMM. Bravo for your animated gif, it's great as an explanation 😉

  • poupougnette

    delicious bricks that smell of the south and summer, I take it right away!! 😉
    Yum!! ^^
    beautiful evening. Kisses

  • Marie

    A delight and a perfect dinner with a salad 🙂

  • Jenna's Bistro

    I really like your universe and also the photos 🙂

  • I love the idea of ​​the gif!!! It's cool, we can see how to make these gourmet bricks!!! 🙂

  • Superb recipe that these crispy bricks to taste with a nice green salad !
    Haha, I too am raving, and I only have 17 ans ! So there is no age 😉 It's just that I talk a lot a lot !

    Thank you for the tasty share 🙂