Twisted brioche with radish leaf pesto {vegan}

Brioche torsadée

Qui a dit que l’apéro était réservé à l’été ?! Sûrement pas par chez nous, car l’apéro du vendredi soir pour fêter le week-end c’est sacré (apéro {définition} : « quelques trucs à grignoter avec un jus de fruit ou un sirop » oui on est foufou chez nous !!!). Bref cette brioche torsadée au pesto fait partie de nos chouchous et pas qu’à l’apéro, car elle s’adapte super bien en pique nique par exemple. En plus mine de rien je vous permet, avec cette recette, de ne plus jeter ou d’utiliser seulement vos fanes de radis pour faire de la soupe (yes because the soup is good 2 minutes !) ! So hop, we make a little pesto with it and spread it in this twisted brioche that I'm sure you'll devour in no time straight out of the oven (don't act innocent, the one who has never started the brioche as soon as it comes out of the oven throws the first stone at me !).

Would, we go to our market gardener to find a bunch of radishes and we make ourselves a little brioche (and we don't throw away the radishes, we eat them of course !!!) !

Brioche torsadée au pesto

Brioche torsadée recette

Twisted brioche with radish leaf pesto {vegan}
Pour 1 brioche
To print
  1. 450 g of flour T65
  2. 170 g vegetable margarine
  3. 150 ml of vegetable milk
  4. 1 pinch of cane sugar
  5. 3 g de sel
  6. 1 packet of baker's yeast
  8. 1 bunch of radish tops
  9. 6 cl d'huile d'olive
  10. 80 g sunflower seeds or almonds
  11. 1 clove garlic
  1. For the pesto, mix all the ingredients together to obtain a paste. Add a little oil if necessary.
  2. For the brioche, put the yeast with 2 teaspoons of lukewarm water and let it sit 10 minutes.
  3. Put the flour, sugar, salt and vegetable milk in a salad bowl. Add the yeast, knead 5 minutes then add the margarine and continue kneading 10 minutes to obtain a nice elastic dough.
  4. Let the dough rest covered in a warm place for 2 hours.
  5. Degas the dough with your fist.
  6. Roll out the dough into a large rectangle then spread the pesto on top.
  7. Roll the dough from the longest side and then cut the roll in half lengthwise. Twist the two half rolls and place on a baking tray.
  8. let rise 30 minutes.
  9. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  10. Brown the dough with a little vegetable milk.
  11. Bake 12 minutes, lower to 180° and continue 15 minutes.
aime & mange
recette de Brioche torsadée

Brioche torsadée au pesto recette


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  • BoopCook


  • I just came across this article by chance without knowing the blog, I think it's another great brioche recipe full of butter and dairy products that I would have had a hard time reproducing.. But no ! So big up to your recipe, my lactose intolerance and I thank you ! And I'm going to test this very soon

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Marcelle, I’m delighted that this brioche recipe speaks to you 😉 Tell me about it !

  • Marine

    Thank you for this recipe ! I'm very brioche at the moment, but rather sweet for breakfast’ (and snack !) so you really make me want to try this savory version.
    I will know what to buy on Saturday at the market 😉 (I wonder if it also works for carrot tops? ?)

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Marine ! I don't know if you've tried it with carrot tops., I'm less of a fan personally but it works too 😉