Cherry Brownie {sans gluten – without milk}

Brownie aux cerises

Comment direquand je commence à manger des cerises j’ai un peu du mal à m’arrêter (bon ça marche aussi pour les fraises, la pastèque, le melon…). Oui, parce qu’on a tellement attendu les fruits d’été, que quand ils sont enfin là on en profite à fond, et puis les cerises c’est quand même particulièrement addictif. Autre addiction, le chocolat, alors allier la cerise au chocolat c’était un peu comme une évidence, donc au final voici comment ce brownie aux cerises est né. Et je dois dire que le résultat est vraiment pas mal, je peux vous le confirmer car ce brownie là, we took him back to my brother-in-law’s house for lunch, and saw what was left at the end when there were only 4 of us…

If you manage to return from the market with 300 g of cherries even though you had bought them 1 kilo, first of all congratulations (for others, all you have to do is go back !), and as a bonus you can enjoy this little recipe, life is not cool ?!

Recette de Brownie aux cerises

Brownie aux cerises {sans gluten - sans lait}

Cherry Brownie {sans gluten - without milk}
Pour 1 square mold
To print
  1. 200 g of chocolate
  2. 180 g vegetable margarine
  3. 160 g brown rice flour
  4. 150 g whole cane sugar
  5. 4 eggs
  6. 300 g fresh cherries
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Melt the chocolate and margarine in the microwave or in a bain-marie.
  3. Add the sugar then the eggs one by one, mixing well between each.
  4. Finish by adding the flour.
  5. Pit the cherries then place them in a dish covered with baking paper.
  6. Pour the brownie batter on top.
  7. Bake 25 minutes.
aime & mange
Brownie sans gluten

Brownie aux cerises

Brownie aux cerises recette


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  • Adeline

    Yum !!! A delicious brownie 🙂

  • Rosenoisettes

    Terrible ce brownie !

  • Interstellar favorite for the photos of this recipe which at 11:03 am more than just making my mouth water… You invite me for dessert ?

    • Emilie

      So a thousand thanks my dear, glad you like it ! And for dessert you come whenever you want !!! See you girls the week of 6 ?

  • CookieM

    On the banks of the Seine, in Normandy, every year individuals sell their cherries (in front of their house). It's nice and you can buy it… plein !
    Cherries and red fruits in general are a short-lived pleasure… There’s no harm in taking advantage of it 😉
    So brownie and cherries : yay !

    • Emilie

      So you're right, you might as well take advantage of ephemeral things. !

  • Coco

    Chocolate and cherry, what a perfect combination. She never disappoints!

  • Sonia

    thank you for sharing this gluten free addition! I appreciate it very much! Have a good evening

    • Emilie

      Ah I knew that putting gluten-free back on the menu would be nice ! Thank you Sonia

  • Marie

    It’s a great idea to add cherries to a brownie., I remember! ^^

  • Nelisa2669

    Miam m’a l’air terrible.
    However, not being gluten intolerant, is the recipe the same with normal flour? (for margarine I have some)? Merci

    • Emilie

      Yes no worries for Nelisa wheat flour ! Merci 😉

  • Clementine

    oh my god I totally love this idea !! Je n’ai plus qu’à trouver des cerises ^^

    • Emilie

      Merci beaucoup Clémentine ! En même temps si ça n’est que les cerises, tu ne devrais pas avoir trop de mal 😉