Lemon and mascarpone cake {sans gluten}

Cake au citron

L’autre jour je suis rentrée des courses avec un énorme pot de mascarpone mais sans savoir vraiment quoi en faire. Et comme je ne pouvais pas manger d’œufs crus (oui je sais je radote là !), exit le tiramisù ! Mais je n’avais pas envie non plus de me priver d’une petite gourmandise pour l’heure du goûter ! C’est là que l’idée d’un cake au citron et au mascarpone m’est venuet comme je ne fais pas les choses à moitié, ce gâteau est même sans gluten à base de farine de maïs et de poudre d’amandes.

No basic recipe but a complete experimentation and it was only when tasting it that I realized that I had not missed it (phew !) … the cake had a soft texture that I loved ! It will still be necessary that I do not devour everything before the return of Mr.… And no, mascarpone is not just for tiramisù !!!

Cake au citron et mascarpone

Recette de Cake au citron

Lemon and mascarpone cake {sans gluten}
For a cake tin
To print
  1. 150 g corn flour
  2. 150 g ground almonds
  3. 150 g of mascarpone
  4. juice and zest of 2 organic lemons
  5. 120 g cane sugar
  6. 80 g of butter
  7. 2 eggs
  8. 1 baking powder
  9. 1 pinch of salt
  1. Preheat the oven to 160°.
  2. Beat together the sugar and the butter to obtain an ointment. Then add the eggs one by one, beat well so that the mixture becomes frothy.
  3. Add the mascarpone, lemon zest and juice.
  4. Finish by adding the ground almonds, corn flour, yeast and salt. Mix.
  5. Pour the batter into a non-stick or buttered-flour cake tin.
  6. Bake 1 hour then treat yourself well with this good mascarpone and lemon cake.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Cake au citron et mascarpone sans gluten

Cake au citron et mascarpone


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  • emilie

    what a good idea, it must be delicious !

  • Co

    This little cake is really beautiful, I'll take a slice from you.
    Good evening

  • Maelle

    This cake looks delicious !

  • Meli

    Wow, he is handsome, it has a nice texture, and a nice look!
    thanks for sharing!

  • lydia

    A fluffy lemon cake ! Yum

  • BoopCook

    he looks super good

  • I had put a recipe but with gluten on the blog and it was a little killer… So I want to believe you. kiss girls

    • nelisa2669

      I confirm I can’t stop doing it 😉

  • And

    Yum, it would please my sweet tooth!!!!!

  • Morgan

    Mmmm how melting it looks !!!!!

  • solene

    cool gluten free !! he looks so good, you prepare this for us next Wednesday ??!! KISSES

  • Celine {A&CN}

    Corn flour, citron, almond powder and mascarpone, That, it speaks to me! And I have no doubt about the softness of this cake. I think you can easily replace the mascarpone with yogurt.!

  • He looks divine!

  • LadyMilonguera

    I really want your cake…

  • moum007

    This cake looks delicious!

  • pink radish

    I think the photo looks as appetizing as the cake.

  • great recipe!!! Some time ago I tested a cake similar to : a free-style with rice flour, mascarpone and lemon and it was very good. Your photos are to die for!! I have to try yours!!

  • Louise

    I admit, the texture looks awesome !

  • veropapilles

    A beautiful tangy cake which should be very soft. Biz and good afternoon. Vero

  • Grenadine

    Hold, I just published a lemon cake recipe too., but very different from yours ! It tastes very melting, I will try your recipe with mascarpone. If you want, I have a tiramisu recipe without raw eggs on my blog, the eggs are cooked in a bain-marie with the sugar as for a sabayon, and the tiramisù holds up much better as a bonus :

  • rej59

    Made this afternoon, success tonight !!!
    Beautiful color, very soft, I didn't have enough almonds anymore, I replaced with hazelnut powder, I keep the recipe and the next time I think to add candied fruits.
    Thank you for your work, Have a good evening

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Rej, I'm glad you liked this recipe (at the same time we hope that what we are preparing for you is not bad !!!) 😉

      • rej59

        I just discovered your site
        I am happy to discover beautiful achievements and …I will try to make some !!!
        Sunday it will be black forest “in the jar” I have lots of cherries.
        good evening and thank you in advance

        • Emilie

          wow !! what a tribute.
          Come tell us what you think ??
          MERCI !!

    • Alexandre Exel

      Hello, can you tell me how to buy hazelnut powder at a good price (and quality) through the Internet? I live in Blumenau/SC.

      • Emilie

        I don't really know him, it is better to buy whole hazelnuts and mix them.

  • Wartelle Marlene

    I did not find corn flour, do you think that with wheat flour, it may or may not work ? 🙂

    • Emilie

      I think there is no problem with wheat flour but you just have to be careful not to overwork the dough after incorporating the flour. 😉

  • Is it chemical or normal yeast?? Merci!

    • Emilie

      It's baking powder but gluten-free if that's important to you..

  • Hmmmm, very tempting this cake and these photos are so pretty!! we would eat them!

  • Aix guinea fowl

    mMM Your cake must be very moist ! I also use mascarpone in cheesecakes (and in the salty too ;-))

  • Auriane

    can i replace the mascarpone with yogurt? ?

    • Emilie

      Yes but the best will be a Greek yogurt !

  • Very nice recipe that allows me to discover other gluten-free ones.
    I prepared it this weekend and added an egg because the batter was too thick.

    I will talk about it soon on my blog and I am of course referring to your blog.


    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Natasha, Glad you find your happiness with us. !

  • behind

    Hello Emilie,
    I made your gluten-free cake with ricotta: He is perfect !
    I liked it so much that I put it on my blog;-)
    Thank you for sharing and your blog which I really like.!

  • big crush. I was looking for a cake recipe with mascarpone and lemon, I see plenty of them, then this one which has more almonds ! Since I'm an almond fan, she wins and I'm testing it tomorrow. I'll give you the verdict very quickly girls 😉 Kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much miss, can't wait to see if you liked it 😉

      • Recipe made yesterday and everyone loved it !
        It's the first time I've cooked without gluten and given the result I think I'll try this type of recipe more often..
        Thanks for sharing girls 🙂
        Kisses from Martinique !!!

        • Emilie

          Thank you very much Sabrina ^-^ It's true that gluten-free can have some nice surprises in store for us !

  • manual

    this cake really makes me want to but I can't eat butter can I replace it with oil if so how much?

    • Emilie

      No worries Manu, you can replace the butter with 5 cl of oil or by 80 g almond puree.

  • Sophie

    My cake is baking… in my bread oven. I'll tell you what it is. Of course I have the cake option in my oven. I took lime instead of yellow, only for a matter of taste. I can't wait to taste it.

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome, I love the lime idea !

      • Sophie

        oh yes it's so good, there I always do it again organic lime and coconut and baked bread baking cake ! I adore ! Thank you very much I relish being able to eat gluten-free sweet from time to time and how good the recipes are ! <3

        • Emilie

          Ah cool, awesome, I love that my recipes are appropriated 😉 Thank you !

  • Christine

    Good evening Emily, tried and tested recipe. I was out of butter, I put 250 gr of mascarpone and the juice of an orange, instead of lemon. It is delicious. Thanks for your recipe.

  • tinarco

    Merci, excellent… :-))