Indian Grilled Cauliflower and Onions

Chou-fleur et oignons grillés à l'indienne

Avec Monsieur nous adorons aussi la cuisine indienne. Ce que j’aime particulièrement c’est la manière qu’ont les Indiens d’accommoder les légumes, cela donne de superbes plats végétariens. Voici donc une petite recette toute simple et personnellement je ne mange plus mon chou-fleur que (pratiquement) like that !

Et je vous propose une raïta pour l’accompagner, life is not beautiful ?!

Indian Grilled Cauliflower and Onions

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 1 chou fleur de taille moyenne
  • 1 large red onion
  • 2 c à s de graines de cumin
  • 1 c à s de graines de coriandre
  • 1 c à c de graines de moutarde
  • Olive oil
  • You sell


Taillez le chou-fleur en fleurette et rincer-le.

In a pot, heat salted water and blanch the cauliflower for 5 min then drain.

Slice the onions into strips then set aside.

Preheat the oven to 200°.

In a mortar, crush the spices to bring out the aromas.

On a baking sheet, arrange the cauliflower and onions then pour the spices on top. Then drizzle with olive oil..

Bake 15-20 min stirring from time to time and it's ready !

Chou-fleur et oignons grillés à l'indienne


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  • BoopCook

    hmmm very nice, I adore !

  • Leticia

    great, it really changes, very beautiful and certainly very good !

  • Pauline

    I am sure that this cauliflower dish will please those who are most hesitant about this vegetable :)
    Moi, I already like it plain just returned to the pan with butter, a little gruyere and pepper. Your recipe opens up new horizons that I really like with onions and Indian spices..

    Now that you've made my mouth water, I’m waiting to see your other way to complete this dish 😉


    • Emilie

      Glad you like it and keep you in suspense !!! 😉
      I didn't know cauliflower with a little gruyere, I would try it !
      So see you tomorrow for the new recipe.

  • Juliette

    Everything that looks like, Near or far, I like an Indian recipe ! And since I love cauliflower and onions (especially grilled), I can only love your recipe ^^
    Greedy kisses and have a nice day !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Juliet !
      Kisses and have a good day to you too (in the rain near us) 😉

  • Coralie

    Ah the cauliflower, I'm always looking for new recipes to make my tribe eat it and I like your recipe. !

  • argon

    Thank you for stopping by my place, it's my turn to discover this lovely blog with such good recipes … !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much for your compliments.
      See you soon !

  • Miss Pigut

    My sir and I also love Indian cuisine., thank you for this very nice recipe to try !

  • Oh lala, I'm a fan of Indian looks delicious to me…

  • Agathe

    Thank you for this recipe. It just finished in my little container and it was delicious! I will finally succeed in making my family love cauliflower !

    • Emilie

      Oh super Agathe, Glad everyone liked it 😉