Roasted Brussels sprouts with spices and pomegranate

Choux de Bruxelles rôtis

Non, non et re non, on ne fait pas la grimace en voyant ce plat de choux de Bruxelles rôtis. Oui, je sais, vous trouviez enfant que les choux de Bruxelles c’était Beurk, mais vous étiez enfants et enfant y’a pas mal de choses qu’on ne peut pas voir en peinture.Vous vous souvenez surement que lorsqu’il y avait des épinards au menu à la cantine, et bien c’était le jour où l’herbe avait été tonduebon et bien les épinards, on en était pas fan non plus ! Bon revenons à nos choux de Bruxelles, cette recette je l’ai créée comme je l’aime : du chou, des épices, the crunch of almonds and pomegranate and a touch of acidity… what, I hope, change your mind about Brussels sprouts. And then it’s not cute these mini cabbages ?!

Ok it's Wednesday and I'm not offering you any pastries, but I am sure that your toddlers will be delighted to cook these mini vegetables which come straight from a magical forest (and and, I assure you !)

Recette chou de Bruxelles

Chou de Bruxelles

Roasted Brussels sprouts with spices and pomegranate
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 600 g Brussels sprouts
  2. 50 g of blanched almonds
  3. 1 teaspoon of zaatar
  4. 1 teaspoon of kebbe spices
  5. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  6. The juice of half a lemon
  7. 1 grenade
  8. You sell
  1. Remove damaged leaves from Brussels sprouts, wash them and put them to bleach 7 minutes in boiling salted water. Drain well.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200°.
  3. Mix with olive oil, almonds lemon, salt and spices and coat the Brussels sprouts with.
  4. Arrange everything on a baking tray and bake 15 minutes.
  5. Finish by adding the pomegranate seeds on top before serving..
aime & mange
recette chou de Bruxelles

Choux de Bruxelles rôtis


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  • what a great recipe!! Brussels sprouts are not to everyone's taste, but I love it and I’m very tempted by the mix of flavors on this plate 🙂

  • Muriel

    Very beautiful pictures… and frankly they really make these little darlings very desirable ! !

  • Original and cute!

  • couchie

    Well I must not have been normal because I loved Brussels sprouts when I was little and I was happy to see them in the canteen 😉
    So you can imagine that this recipe catches my eye ! It's a great idea with the pomegranate ! Kisses miss

    • Emilie

      Ah, I don’t know many in your case 😉 So I hope you like it !

  • Catherine

    Very nice pictures! Pomegranate seeds provide…from magic to dish. Unfortunately my daughters recognized the “little cabbages” and despite “the pretty pink color” of the pomegranate told me no! categorical. Well it doesn't matter, my husband likes cabbages, he will serve as a guinea pig for me! Help me please: kebbe spices, quid???? And zaatar is indeed thyme? Merci! 😉

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Catherine ;)Well too bad for the children then ! Kebbe spices are a mixture that I find in a specialized grocery store and basically there are : sweet pepper, cinnamon, mint, black pepper, marjoram. And zaatar is a mixture of thyme, sumac and sesame seeds.
      That’s it, I hope I helped you 😉

  • Maryse

    Hello Emily,
    No kebbe spice mix in Grenoble for the super and pretty recipe for Brussels sprouts. Or maybe I didn't find the right store. I have the pepper/salt/sumac/cinnamon to prepare them (seen on but not the proportions. I would like a little advice, please Emily…

    • Emilie

      Hello Maryse, a homemade mix will be perfect. I think about 1 tablespoon of sumac, 1 teaspoon of pepper, 1 pinch of cinnamon and 1/2 little spoon of salt… You can also add a pinch of chili pepper ! I hope the result will be up to par !

  • Anne

    I have everything I need (apart from the exact spices, but I will adjust), it's gone for tonight, merci!