fried kale, buckwheat and pomegranate {sans gluten – vegan}
Aujourd’hui on s’attaque au kale, oui, oui, vous savez ce légume superfood à la mode, mais attention pas le kale que tout le monde connait, non, le kale Lacinato. Oui, j’ai découvert ce kale lors d’un marché italien et maintenant je ne le lâche plus. Le kale Lacinato aussi appelé noir de Toscane est juste parfait cuisiné comme ici avec du sarrasin et de la grenade mais aussi très bon en salade. C’est donc dans une poelée de kale qu’il est passé à la casserole poêle et je dois dire que pour une première avec lui, je n’ai pas été déçue. Cuit, il est très doux, it tastes much less like cabbage than classic cabbages, On the other hand, it may take a little longer to cook, but barely.
So yes I know, you might have been expecting a Valentine's Day recipe but don't worry, you'll find one ici For example ! I hope you like this recipe and make you want to go looking for it. (yes because it is still little known on the shelves, Unfortunately !).

- 1 barrel of lacinato kale (Tuscan black)
- 250 g of buckwheat
- 40 cl of vegetable broth
- 1 onion
- 1/2 grenade
- 1 tablespoon of cumin seeds
- 1 tablespoon of coriander seeds
- 1 pinch of Espelette pepper
- 1 filet d'huile d'olive
- You sell
- Start by removing the ribs of kale leaves then thinly slice them.
- Blanch it in boiling salted water. 7 minutes, drain and reserve.
- Slice the onion then sweat it 5 minutes over low heat in a pan with a drizzle of olive oil. Add the kale then the spices and let cook 15 minutes covered and over low heat.
- Finish by adding the buckwheat and broth, bring to a boil and let cook 8-10 minutes over medium heat so that there is no more broth.
- Serve with pomegranate seeds.

13.2.15a magnificent plate! you could participate in the GFFD, with this gluten-free dish. the colors are superb! good weekend
19.2.15Oh yes nice idea, I do not know ! Thank you Sonia !
from mouth to table
15.2.15What a lovely dish with pomegranate! I'm going to try it!
19.2.15Thank you miss, you tell me about it !
1.3.15I think I know where I can find some.. In addition to being beautiful, this dish is very tempting !
2.3.15oh great ! Thank you Maita 😉
8.6.15A great recipe full of superfoods! The photos are super pretty! I can’t wait to try it 🙂
16.6.15Thank you very much Camilla 😉