Patidou squash stuffed with rice, lentils and cranberries {vegan}

Courge patidou farcie

Quand j’ai vu ces minis courges patidous au marché, j’ai tout de suite craqué devant leur « mignonneté ». La réflexion qui suivie fût, mais qu’est-ce que je vais bien pouvoir en faire de ces minis patidous ?! Oui car des fois, je dois bien l’avouer, j’achète des choses dont je n’ai aucune idée de plats, mais juste parce que ça me plait !

Alors pourquoi pas des farcis, car oui un plat ou on peux manger le contenant c’est quand même top. On plonge sa fourchette et on attrape à la fois la farce au riz et la courge fondante, juste parfait !

Courge patidou farcie

Courge patidou farcie

Come on my little squashes, on se lance ?!!!

Patidou squash stuffed with rice, lentils and cranberries {vegan}

Ingredients (pour 2)

  • 2 mini patidous squash
  • 100 g of basmati rice
  • 40 g of lentils (belluga or green Puy type)
  • 50 g de cranberries
  • 1 onion
  • 1 c. to s. nigella seeds
  • 1 c. at c. curry powder
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  • Salt and pepper


Wash and cut the caps of the squash. Empty them of seeds and dig them, recovering the removed pieces of squash. Then cut these pieces into small cubes.

Preheat the oven to 200°.

Cook the rice as directed on the packet and stop cooking 3 minutes before the end. Drain and reserve. Do the same cooking with the lentils.

Finely chop the onion, heat a drizzle of olive oil in a pan and brown the onion for 10 minutes.

Mix the rice together, lentils, the onions, squash cubes, les cranberries, spices and seasoning. Fill the squash and close them with their caps.

Courge patidou farcie

Courge patidou farcie

Bake 30-35 minutes and cover if the squash browns too much.


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  • cookparadise

    The presentation is already at the top of generosity
    Good Tuesday, sweetness is back.

  • CrispX

    I love this presentation 🙂 like crazy, but which can be eaten ^^ Kisses

  • Natalie

    Everything is magical ! A princess lunch 😉 I know but thanks to your pretty recipe, vegan what's more, I'm going to do it again very soon ! Thank you again for spoiling us with such beautiful recipes, so perfectly staged ! BiZ

  • ladymilonguera

    Presented like this, I adore !

    • Elgin

      I made it with barbunya and carrots it was very good too!

  • The lemon

    Very very nice idea !

  • I find squash too bland for my taste., but I love them as models:)

  • BoopCook

    humm I love this delicious little dish ! ;P

  • Ohoh very good idea the stuffed patidou ! Yum, a good idea to change winter soups 😉 I discovered nigella seeds recently and I loved it … And I love the “plates” that I can eat too ^^ Good girls !

  • Lolotte

    I agree with you, a dish you can eat in is great! Plus it's super pretty!

  • Lili

    Mmmmm ma belle, here is a dish for me, how i like them, with a touch of cranberry, perfect ! 🙂 Big kisses !!

  • This recipe is great, good idea cranberries. Reminds me of pineapple fried rice, featured in 1/2 pineapple… I have to do some elsewhere!

    • Emilie

      Oh I don't know about pineapple fried rice, looking forward to seeing your recipe 😀
      Thanks Liz !

  • Cindy

    It's a beautiful recipe, it makes a nice presentation!

  • poupougnette

    I love patidou. A little nutty taste more pronounced than pumpkin. Stuffed with rice, lentils and cranberries, this is really a great idea! I adore!! ^^
    Have a nice day, girls.
    Kisses, Kisses

  • Marie

    Cute and funny ! Thanks for the idea 🙂

  • mamanonyme

    Oooh, that’s a great balanced recipe to replace a meat meal. …
    Yum yum thank you, I keep it as a favorite 😉

  • Sublime presentation …
    Nice week, Sandrine

  • lustine


  • The Mouse

    Huuum that looks really good !
    For my part, the patidoux, I fill them with crème fraîche + bacon + grated cheese, and hop, in the oven. It's less healthy than your version, but also excellent.

  • laetitia

    wow, lots of associations that I would have had the idea of, your recipes are a real pleasure to look at so I imagine that once we taste it we are under the spell.

  • flo

    Bonjour, lentils should be cooked or raw ? Merci

    • Emilie

      The lentils are cooked but 3 minutes less than indicated on the packet (is around 20 minutes)

  • Lisa

    Tested and approved!!!
    I just discovered patidou squash with this recipe, what's good !!!
    Thank you so much

    • Emilie

      Oh awesome, thank you very much Lisa, I’m delighted 🙂