Vegan chocolate pastry cream

Crème pâtissière chocolat végétale

Me revoilà en ce début d’année pour vous souhaiter une belle année 2024, croyez en vos rêves et émerveillez-vous de petits bonheurs du quotidien. On reprend le rythme des recettes par ici, mon coude va un peu mieux même si je ne suis pas encore au bout de la rééducation. Aujourd’hui je vous propose une recette de base en pâtisserie végétale : la crème pâtissière au chocolat. Une recette classique hyper simple à végétaliser, j’avais déjà poster la recette de crème pâtissière à la vanille, I had to complete with the all chocolate version ! Pastry cream is perfect for garnishing a cake, brioches, cabbage… In short it is used for everything in pastry !

A perfect smoothness with a good chocolate taste,

In short everything we expect from a good recipe for pastry cream, So much so that it is eaten far too easily at the small spoon ! From tomorrow I offer you a little recipe to use it for the epiphany, This year we are going on a brioche as there are galet recipes on the blog (If you ever get an idea can go see this way ). And if you want to embark on the challenge of January Vegan Le Veganaary, You will find on the blog full of recipes to help you cook more vegetable !

Chocolate pastry recipe

Vegan chocolate pastry cream

Chocolate pastry cream
  • 50 cl of natural soy milk
  • 200 g dark chocolate
  • 60 g cornstarch
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 50 g of margarine
  • Mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan.
  • Put the mixture to heat over medium heat then bring to a boil, stirring constantly, the mixture should thicken.
  • Add the margarine off the heat, mix then film in contact and reserve at least 2 hours in the fridge.
  • Pour the pastry cream into a large bowl then whip with an electric whisk for a few minutes to obtain a silky texture.

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  • Gabriel

    This cream with vegan hazelnut milk tastes even better.
    Greetings broadcast,

    • Emilie

      Yes we can if we want to do the chocolate/hazelnut association 😉