Croque monsieur with mushrooms {vegan}

Croque Monsieur aux légumes

Le croque monsieur c’est vraiment le plat facile par excellence et qui fait l’unanimité ! C’est aussi le plat que tout le monde a au moins mangé une fois dans sa vie, en version industrielle ou faite maison ! Bon, par contre on reproche souvent au croque monsieur d’être un plat trop riche, alors oui c’est pas faux mais on en mange pas tous les jours, c’est comme pour la friture ! Aujourd’hui c’est un croque monsieur aux champignons que je vous propose, une version hyper kids friendly. To tell you the truth, I hesitated with a squash version but we're not going to lie to each other, they much prefer mushrooms huh !

A croque monsieur both melting and with a good chew,

a perfect vegan version that has nothing to envy to the classic version. In addition, it’s clearly the kind of super easy meal to prepare, you just have to provide the bread (home or not) and voila ! Because good with three children, I also play easy, because sometimes when I spend three hours preparing something and 2 children on 3 don't want to touch it… Come on, good croque monsieur !

croque monsieur mushrooms
recto of croque monsieur
croque monsieur recipe

Croque monsieur with mushrooms {vegan}


  • 16 slices of bread (here full)
  • 500 g oyster mushrooms
  • 100 g the shiitakes
  • 1 tablespoon of smoked paprika
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 8 tablespoons of fromage fondue vegan
  • 50 g vegetable margarine
  • neutral vegetable oil
  • oregano
  • salt and pepper
  • >Prepare the melted cheese as shown here.
  • Wash and slice the oyster mushrooms and shiitake mushrooms.
  • Heat a drizzle of oil in a pan, add the crushed garlic clove and the smoked paprika, stir and add the oyster mushrooms. Fry over medium heat 5-6 minutes while stirring so that the oyster mushrooms take on a nice color. Add a little oregano, salt and pepper generously.
  • Spread the slices of bread with a little margarine.
  • Add a tablespoon of cheese then a good tablespoon of mushrooms.
  • Close the croque and add a little margarine on top.
  • Do the same for all the croque monsieur.
  • Bake at 200° for 8 minutes then pass quickly under the oven rack.
  • Serve hot with a good salad.

Vegan croque monsieur
Croque Monsieur vegetarian

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  • Mum

    Your Photos are Always so Beautiful !

  • Milounette

    I love croques ! At home, it is rather with leeks that I make them, But mushrooms shouldn't be bad either.…