Peach and Oatmeal Crumble {vegan}

Crumble pêches

Je ne sais pas vous, mais moi ça m’arrive quand même assez souvent d’oublier des fruits dans la corbeille et quand on les retrouve et bien ils sont un peu flétris. Là pour le coup c’était carrément un kilo de pêche que j’avais oublié (whoops…) donc il fallait bien que je trouve une solution pour redonner de l’éclat à mes pêches un peu rabougries ! Et je trouve que les crumbles de fruits sont parfaits pour ça. Point de beurre chez nous, so I adapted the traditional crumble recipe to make it healthier and no less delicious. A peach crumble composed of peaches of course but also oatmeal (ok until then you follow because you read the title of the article correctly, bravo !) but also coconut oil, wholemeal sugar and wholemeal flour… only good things !

Come on, Go on, we gather all the ingredients, we turn on our oven and we make ourselves a nice little crumble for tonight's dessert (and as a bonus there will be some left over for tomorrow morning !).

Crumble pêches

recette de Crumble pêches

Peach and oat crumble {vegan}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 6-8 peaches (white and yellow)
  2. 100 g wholemeal flour
  3. 25 g vegetable margarine
  4. 4 tablespoons of coconut oil
  5. 50 g rolled oats
  6. 40 g whole cane sugar
  1. Preheat the oven to 170°.
  2. Prepare the crumble, for this put all the ingredients together in a salad bowl and sand the preparation with your fingertips to obtain the crumble.
  3. Cut the peaches into quarters and place them in the bottom of a baking dish..
  4. Put the crumble on top.
  5. Bake 30-35 minutes.
aime & mange

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  • Pascale

    Bonjour, I always make a similar fruit crumble recipe with flakes and oatmeal, coconut oil and maple syrup .
    And yes, it is delicious !

  • muenzeeins

    it looks delicious! I will have to try, I love rolled oats and this is a new way to use them :)… coconut oil intrigues me 🙂 does it taste dominant (it can be found in organic grocery stores??)? Thanks for the recipe!

    • Emilie

      So you have the choice for coconut oil either as it is or deodorized but once cooked it is not very strong in taste !

  • Coco

    Yum, a good peach crumble! I'm salivating just thinking about it!

    • Emilie

      Oui, quickly, quickly you have to take advantage of the last peaches 😉

  • CookieM

    It's always good to "recycle" ! Love the addition of oatmeal : a good idea to remember.

    • Emilie

      Oh yes it is important, here we try not to throw anything !

  • Royal Chill

    I have peaches, I have oatmeal… I even have everything I need to test ! it looks divine, I adore !

    • Emilie

      Ah cool, it's great to give ideas to girlfriends !