Fluffy pancakes {vegan}

Fluffy pancakes

Si vous ne le savez pas déjà, nous avons une petite tradition à la maison depuis quelques années, ce sont les pancakes du dimanche matin. So yes, il y a par ici une foule de recettes de pancakes mais ceux là sont un peu différents, ce sont mes préférés. Si Monsieur préfère les pancakes plat, moi je les aime bien fluffy pour que le sirop d’érable s’imbibe bien, au final ça donne un résultat bien gourmand voire carrément décadent !

Les pancakes fluffy c’est comme un oreiller, on se coucherais dessus.

It's soft, it's cuddly and that's good because the weekend is comfort food at home and the pancakes we would not do without. Personally to accompany them it is maple syrup and nothing else, although from time to time I let myself be tempted by an extra fruity garnish. In short, I hope that this basic recipe for pancakes will be useful to you., here is a classic !

pancakes fluffy
vegan pancake recipe
pancake recipe

Fluffy pancakes {vegan}


  • 200 g T80 wheat flour
  • 40 g cornstarch
  • 20 cl of soy milk (or another vegetable milk)
  • 1 baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons of whole sugar
  • 2 tablespoons neutral oil
  • 1 tablespoon of vinegar
  • Mix the milk with the vinegar and let curdle.
  • Put the flour, cornstarch and yeast in a bowl, make a well. Add the sugar in the center, oil and baking soda. Mix with a whisk.
  • Slowly dilute with the curdled milk to obtain a smooth, lump-free paste..
  • Heat a little neutral oil in a frying pan. Place a small pile of dough in the center and cook for approx. 2 minutes over medium heat (small holes should form on the top).
  • Flip the pancakes and cook 30 second more.
  • Repeat until the batter is used up..
  • Enjoy hot !
pancakes vegan facile

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  • How they make me crave your pancakes !

  • Anais

    Hi Emily ! These pancakes are so good ! Although I haven't managed to make them look like the pictures yet 😛 Small questions : how big are these pancakes ? You take a tablespoon or a ladle to put them in the pan ? And when the pancakes are in the pan, do you have to "spread" them a little with the back of the spoon ? Because mine are thinner than yours (off I looove softness). Moreover, what is the role of oil in the dough ? And do you think we could replace the baking powder with bicarbonate only ? (I'm out of baking powder, and here the queues are long in front of the supermarkets…) Thank you in advance for your answer ! I spend a lot on your blog, always sublime photos and lots of good recipes that I have already appropriated 🙂

    • Emilie

      Hello Anais, I will try to answer your questions :
      As for the pancakes, I put a good tablespoon of batter per pancake and you shouldn't spread the spoon of batter that you put in your pan, otherwise they will be less fluffy.
      The oil in pancakes is used to make the dough more flexible.
      If you replace the yeast with just baking soda they will be much less fluffy unfortunately.
      In any case, thank you very much for your note, I'm glad to have you as a reader.