Vegetable Muffin Frittata {sans gluten – without milk}


Cela fait un petit moment que j’ai réalisé cette recette, mais je me suis dis que, même si certains légumes utilisés n’était plus trop de saison j’allais quand même vous la proposer. Je pense que vous connaissez tous la frittata (pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas c’est une omelette aux légumes), là j’ai voulu tester en version mini sous forme de muffins. Je dois dire que cette forme là me plait bien car on peux faire absolument ce qu’on veux comme mélange de légumes. Parfait pour l’apéro ou pour un brunch, I am absolutely sure that you would make short work of it and then it is also the good way to make recalcitrant children eat vegetables on this subject !!!

So yes I know peas are absolutely out of season and it's the very end of tomatoes and zucchini, but why not make a more autumnal version with mashed squash and mushrooms ?!

recette de frittata

Frittata recipes

  Frittata aux légumes


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  • Cecilecooks

    Sublime these frittata(s) ! We are free to reinterpret them with autumn vegetables.. Yum !
    However, what is rice cream…? I admit I never heard of it. What is its texture ? Is it a substitute for a classic cream for a lactose-free version ?

    • Emilie

      Yes that's right Cecile, rice cream is the vegetable equivalent of fresh cream but you are free to make a version with milk 😉

  • Amanda

    Hmmmm you really always make me dream with your photos ! If I could I would totally eat your pictures ! Thank you for these beautiful and delicious recipes. ! Can't wait to get back to you very soon ! Kisses

    • Emilie

      Oh that's a compliment, Thank you Amanda 😉

  • The pictures are divine, we really want to peck these little frittatas !
    read x

    • Emilie

      Thank you Lea, it's true that they are chewable !!!

  • Foodbiotic

    Very inspiring recipe !