Waffles without milk

Waffles without milk

By us, le dimanche, on mange souvent un petit déjeuner fait maison, composé de pancakes, of crêpes ou de gaufres sans lait comme aujourd’hui. Oui car le dimanche c’est souvent le seul petit déjeuner pas speed de toute la semaine, celui où on peu prendre enfin le temps de se poser ! Et puis ça n’est pas tous les jours que Monsieur se propose de préparer des gaufres, alors cette fois-ci, je l’ai laissé faire avec un plaisir non dissimulé de le voir cuisiner (oui ma ptite dame, car ça arrive tellement peu souvent que… ) ! Et comme ce sont ses gaufres, il a aussi servit de modèle pour la séance photo (remember he also lent his hands ici for the sage fritters).

Come on, there's still time to make some waffles, so fire up the waffle iron (Finally…not in half otherwise it will be difficult to prepare waffles !!!). And what’s more, you’ll probably still have some left for breakfast on Monday morning., and that’s a really good way to start the week, You can not find ?!

Waffles without milk

Waffle recipe without milk

Waffles without milk
For ten waffles
To print
  1. 300 g brown wheat flour
  2. 50 g cane sugar
  3. 50 cl of vegetable oat milk
  4. 5 cl of neutral oil
  5. 1 packet of yeast
  6. 2 eggs
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  1. In a salad bowl, mix the flour, yeast and salt and make a well.
  2. add, sugar, oil and eggs in the center and mix.
  3. Mix little by little with the vegetable milk to obtain a smooth paste..
  4. Let the dough rest 1 hour before making your waffles.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
waffle recipe without milk

Good waffles !


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  • BoopCook

    they look extraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  • WOW! Yum they look so good!

  • Pauline

    Although very tasty, I don't like waffles… of course if I have some under my nose, I'm going to snack on a few anyway !
    At home it's the same, MonGaulois doesn't cook but when it comes to waffles and crepes, he’s the one who gets his hands dirty !
    I imagine this Monday morning will have a whole different flavor starting the week with waffles !!

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I like Monday mornings like that… Ah these men !!!

  • Royal Chill

    Wow ! Fan of your photos <3 (and the recipe too of course 😉 )

  • Celine {A&CN}

    At my house, there won't be any left for breakfast’ Monday… Hum! Everything will be swallowed up in one meal… Long live large families!

    • Emilie

      Oh yes that’s for sure, but I think that for us it won't last much longer 😉

  • Elisa

    1 bag of baking powder how many grams does it equal?