Potato gratin {vegan – sans gluten}

recette gratin dauphinois

Aujourd’hui on va parler gratin dauphinois. Si vous connaissez ce gratin, vous savez aussi qu’il y a tout un tas de codes auxquels il ne faut pas déroger, sous peine de ne faire qu’un simple gratin de pommes de terre et non la vraie recette du gratin dauphinois ! Ce gratin c’est toute mon enfance, en tant que Grenobloise c’est un peu un patrimoine ici, un patrimoine que l’on transmet (moi même c’est mon papa qui m’a appris la recette !). Le choix des pommes de terre est important (elles doivent être farineuses mais fermes), leur coupe aussi, 2mm but above all we never add cheese or aromatic herbs, in short, it's serious !!!

Gate, melting and creamy,

the gratin dauphinois is just happiness. An even better dish reheated the next day for some but what I love is to eat cold leftovers (don't ask me why but i love it !)! In short, the gratin dauphinois is quite an institution so treat yourself and taste it as you see fit. You can accompany it with a nice winter salad with walnuts and let's go my kiki !

the real gratin dauphinois
vegan potato gratin

Potato gratin {vegan – sans gluten}


Potato gratin
  • 1,2kg of potatoes (type bintje)
  • 40 cl of vegetable cream (here vegetable cream to go up to 30% de MG)
  • 20 cl of soy milk
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • Salt and pepper
  • Nutmeg
  • Peel the potatoes then thinly slice them using a mandoline (2 mm thick) then book.
  • Mix the cream and milk together and season with salt and pepper.
  • Rub the dish with the garlic cloves then add a layer of potatoes.
  • Pour over a little cream/milk mixture , grate nutmeg then start again layer after layer.
  • Bake for 1h15 at 180°.
  • Taste !
gratin vegan
gratin dauphinois easy recipe

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  • LadyMilonguera

    You make me want to do one say so !

  • Jojo

    I do not know the vegetable cream to mount where to find it
    t -on ?
    And on this name ?

    • Emilie

      Hello Gisele,

      It's vegetable cream 30% de MG, sold in vegan grocery stores. Personally I use Flora, which has a neutral taste.

      • Jojo

        Ok but does it have a lot of unsaturated fat

        • Emilie

          I do not know, you have to go see the product sheets 😉

          • Jojo

            Yes thanks

  • Agathe

    He looks amazing. And quite easy to do.
    Bravo for all these recipes and the beautiful shots.