Guacamole maison
Avec Monsieur, on adore la cuisine mexicaine (enfin plus moi que Monsieur je crois mais ça…), et ça qu’elle soit classique ou revisitée, comme avec les enchiladas au chili « sin » carne. And then, je sais pas ce que vous en pensez, but I, je trouve que le guacamole c’est bon avec tout (oui alors en même temps j’adore l’avocat, mais quand j’y pense, je détestais ça il y a 10 ans !!!)… avec des nachos en apéritif, dans une tortillas, en accompagnement d’enchiladas, dans un burger… ou alors juste comme ça ! SO, voici ma version du grand classique mexicain le guacamole maison, well between us I think there are a thousand and one versions of guacamole, so i hope you like my version (at the same time if it is not the case bah…too bad !).
Personally I like that there is texture in guacamole, that's why I leave pieces and mash the avocado with a fork, but you can just as well mix it, to obtain a creamier texture, That, it's for you to see (I promise I won't blame you !).

- 1 large ripe avocado
- 1/2 Red onion
- 1 small tomato
- The juice of a lime
- The juice of half a lemon
- 2 teaspoons cumin powder
- 1 teaspoon of paprika
- 1 pinch of chili powder or Tabasco jalapenos pepper
- You sell
- Cut the avocado in half lengthwise, remove the pit then take the flesh and mash it with a fork in a salad bowl.
- Add the lemon juice and mix.
- Finely chop the half onion and add it to the mashed avocado.
- Cut the tomato into small pieces then add them to the guacamole
- Then add the spices and season with salt., stir well.
- All you have to do is taste !

Come on, good guacamole !
19.2.14I gotta say I’m very impressed by how good all your recipes look except for this. I guess this is your version but real guacamole (I´m Mexican) has no cumin, pepper or chili powder. As a rule the mix is: avocado+lime+onion+tomato+diced chilipepper+ cilantro 🙂 Give it a shot!
19.2.14Thank you so much !
We know our version is not the original one… Your seems really good, we’ll try it soon… :–