Pumpkin lasagna, spinach, goat, curry and vegetable cream

Lasagnes au potimarron

L’idée de cette recette m’est venue par un défi lancé par ma kinéassocier le potimarron aux épinards dans des lasagnes. Because yes, lors des rendez-vous kiné on papote, et on papote surtout cuisine !

Mais comme je ne voulais pas un truc tout simple, j’ai fonctionné par couches. Une première de potimarron rôti au curry et une deuxième avec les épinards et du chèvre frais, un pur bonheur ces lasagnes !

Pumpkin lasagna, spinach, goat, curry and vegetable cream

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 12 feuilles de lasagnes fraîches ou sans pré-cuisson
  • 400 g de potimarron
  • 500 g fresh spinach
  • 1 fromage de chèvre frais (environ 150g)
  • 25 cl of vegetable cream (avoine pour moi)
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 2 c. at c. de curry
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Preheat the oven to 200°.

Découpez le potimarron en tranches, no need to peel it. Arrange the slices on a baking tray, sprinkle with curry and drizzle with olive oil. Bake 20 min.

During this time, wash the spinach and season by putting a drizzle of olive oil in a pan with the spinach and the whole garlic clove. Bring it all back 5 minutes, remove the garlic clove, season and reserve.

Pour a drizzle of olive oil into the bottom of a rectangular baking dish.. add 3 lasagna sheets, pour a little vegetable cream then cover with half the spinach and crumble half the goat cheese on top.

Continue by covering with lasagna sheets, cream then pumpkin. Continue in this way with a layer of spinach and goat cheese and finishing with a layer of lasagna sheets and vegetable cream..

Bake 25 minutes.

Lasagnes au potimarron

Good lasagna !


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  • I find these lasagnas very appetizing. !

  • dove

    Great recipe Emilie!
    Only happiness for me! a good, colorful winter dish and without dairy and with goat cheese, enough to make me dream and perfume my whole house with the good smell of lasagna.
    It's my man who will be happy when I make them!!!


    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Colombe for this great compliment, I hope that pleases you !!!

  • OCNN

    If there is any left, I'm coming.

  • patchcath

    it’s a very good idea to combine spinach and pumpkin with goat’s cheese, and congratulations on the colors, it's very appetizing

  • veropapilles

    Vegetable lasagna that I really like and it’s a change from my bolognese or fresh salmon lasagna. To do without hesitation. Biz and good evening. Vero

  • Whoa

    Mmh this lasagna looks good on me !

  • This lasagna looks delicious !
    Thanks for sharing 😉

  • This is a great recipe, lots of good vegetables, a real comfort food dish (Besides, it’s Tiphaine from the blog Gourmandiseries who is organizing a competition on the subject)
    Good evening girls kisses

  • Rah I need a physiotherapist like that ! Very nice lasagna my word !

  • Natalie

    I like it even more because the cream used is vegetable… Bravo !
    Sweet evening

  • happyfoood

    ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH everything I love about it !!!

  • Thumb's blog

    The idea of ​​roasted pumpkin in curry is surprising to say the least. I'll have to stay 😉

  • Emilie

    Thank you so much, It’s true that these lasgnas were a great experience. !

  • a little skeptical about pumpkin but a big fan of lasagna, I could let myself be tempted !

  • Lili

    Mmmmm, surely your lasagna is too beautiful and too good, enough to make your darling eat spinach ! :))) merci !! Big kisses

  • Lolotte

    Wow, that’s lasagna that really tempts me!

  • Olivia

    Hmmm that looks delicious
    The 2nd photo is MAGNIFICENT

  • Migloux

    Bonjour, 25 cl of cream for 12 lasagna sheets…that seems a bit fair to me

    • Emilie

      No, that’s right because spinach provides water. !