Layer cake Nutella

Layer cake Nutella

Oh craquage suprêmeun layer cake NutellaOui je sais ce que vous allez dire c’est pas super raisonnable le Nutella ! Oui mais j’ai une excuse (valable ?!), ce gâteau était pour une grande fan de chocolat, et on a beau dire, le Nutella c’est quand même toute notre enfance !!! And then, ça faisait belle lurette que je n’avais pas acheté de Nutella, oui car ici on fait la homemade spread ma ptite dame/ mon bon monsieur. Anyway, revenons à nos moutons notre layer cake Nutella, j’ai réalisé ce gâteau pour une amie qui fêtait son Pacs, c’était mon cadeau pour leur fête. Et après 1h15 de route de montagne avec le gâteau sur les genoux (I won't tell you the hassle and the stress when in a bend the cake almost fell off the plate !) and the heat that day, the cake was well appreciated by everyone.

Finally, there it is, the quantities of ingredients are gargantuan but it is still to nourish 10-12 people, and then we don't make layer cakes of this size every day !!!

And by the way today is Yummy day Doudou, organized by our favorite magazine, the Yummy Magazine. So here is my recipe, because yes, Nutella is a great ingredient all the same… and the one who has never attacked the jar of Nutella with a teaspoon throws the first stone at me !!!

Recette layer cake Nutella

Nutella layer cake

Layer cake Nutella
Pour 10-12 people
To print
  1. 380 grams of sugar
  2. 270 g of flour
  3. 170 g of butter
  4. 5 eggs
  5. 75 g cocoa powder
  6. 30 cl lukewarm water
  7. 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  9. 560 g icing sugar
  10. 340 g of butter at room temperature
  11. 280 g of Nutella
  12. 300 g dark chocolate
  13. 2 tablespoons of milk
  14. 1 g de sel
  15. Chocolate balls.
  1. Preheat the oven to 160°.
  2. Mix the cocoa powder with the water and set aside.
  3. Beat the butter and sugar together to form a cream..
  4. Add the egg yolks one by one, mixing well between each, then add the cocoa/water mixture.
  5. Pour in the flour and yeast then mix again.
  6. Beat the egg whites until stiff and then add them to the dough..
  7. Pour the mixture into a buttered and floured baking mold. 17 cm in diameter.
  8. Bake 40 minutes.
  9. Unmold and let the sponge cake cool completely before cutting it into three discs of the same size..
  10. Melt the chocolate, mix it with Nutella and let cool.
  11. To prepare the icing, beat the butter with the icing sugar and salt, to obtain a smooth and frothy mixture. Add the milk, Nutella and melted chocolate and continue to beat 1 minute.
  12. Start by placing a disc of cake on a dish then garnish it with a centimeter of icing. Cover with another disc then repeat the operation until the end. Cover the layer cake with a thin layer of frosting (you can almost see the cake through) then refrigerate 30 minutes.
  13. Finish by applying the rest of the icing evenly to the cake then decorate the top with a piping bag.
  14. Cover with a few chocolate balls.
aime & mange
  Nutella layer cake recipe

layer cake Nutella


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  • Nadia

    OK good, it just looks so good ! Lol
    As soon as seen, immediately pasted it into Pinterest in my Dessert section 😉
    Thank you for your delicious recipes.

    • Emilie

      Yeah thank you very much Nadia, t’es adorable ^-^

  • velvet red

    For sure, he is magnificent! But I'm not going to add it to my Pinterest desserts because I don't eat this type of dessert anymore.. Too much!
    Bravo Emilie for the performance!

  • Cecile

    And to think that I am currently with a spoon of Nutella in my hand…your sublime layer cake almost takes away a little guilt from me. Thank you for this ultra-gourmet and ultra-cocooning recipe.

  • Muriel


  • He is magnificent!! The icing is very successful and I would like to believe that you made people happy!! I also experimented with carrying the layer cake on my knees for around twenty kilometers.. It's a good way to argue with your darling :))

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much miss ! Ah yes so you understand what I experienced then !!!

  • Pauline

    So now I'm going to have to try this recipe. !
    MonGaulois is a Nutella fan, I don't know anyone who loves Nutella as much as him.. Here a 750gr pot lasts barely a week (and I specify that he is the only one who eats it !). He knows it’s junk so he tries to reduce his consumption, a real drug addict (and it's not even visible on his silhouette, the guy, I'm jealous of him !!)
    Brief (I'm talkative huh !!!!), your layer cake is beautiful ! You are very talented, bravo !

    • Emilie

      lol !!! Ah yes, Monsieur was also a big fan of Nutella and like your Gaul it doesn't even show on his figure whereas me… good but since it's me who does the shopping I no longer go through the spread box !!!
      Thank you for your compliments Pauline ^-^

  • bree13

    1 h 15 road and it didn't melt ? he is sublime !

    • Emilie

      No, he held on and what's more, he waited 3 h per 30 ° !!!

  • Leah

    This cake is absolutely superb. !!!! I think he would have seriously enchanted me !
    And your photos are more than magnificent !
    I LOVE IT ♥♥♥

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty, so I have to do it again !!!
      Kisses <3

  • doll

    Your cake is really superb. !! I would take a part of it anyway !!

  • Wow! Pig! Very beautiful cake!

    • Emilie

      That’s dirty for being dirty !!!
      Thank you miss 😉

  • Lou

    Oh dear , what a killing !

  • Flo

    There's nothing sweeter than a treat, you did strong ! 😀

  • Shirley Pan

    Thank you for this recipe, My mouth is watering !
    question : do you think i can replace the milk with plant-based milk? ?

    • Emilie

      Of course and even the butter with margarine to 80% fat no worries !

      • Stephanie

        I fell for this cake for my son's 1st birthday tomorrow. However, I was thinking of replacing the butter with almond puree in the cake but I have doubts about the icing… What do you think ?

        • Emilie

          Hello Stephanie, no worries for the inside of the cake but on the other hand for the icing it is more complicated, the butter can just be replaced with margarine.

          • Stephanie

            Thank you very much Emily. That’s what it seemed to me 😉
            I attack tomorrow, I hope I meet the expectations.
            J’en profite juste pour dire que vos recettes sont appétissantes et que ce blog est devenu une de mes références culinaires. In addition, il est très convivial. Alors merci !

          • Emilie

            Merci beaucoup Stéphanie c’est vraiment trop adorable 😉

  • Make me bite !

    Très joli et bravo pour la prouesse de la route de montagne ! Je vis déjà l’enfer sur les routes « plates » quand j’amène un layer cake pour une fête, je visualise très bien les suées que tu as eues !
    On the other hand, pour ma part je remplacerai par du Nocciolata, au goût terrible, bio et bien sûr sans huile de palme !…

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty, c’est vrai que j’ai eu des sueurs froides !!!
      Oui j’avais pensé au Nocciolata que j’adore mais Monopn’en avait plus 🙁

  • BoopCook

    il est très très beau ! ;D

  • Good evening, votre gâteau est vraiment superbe ! Je me demandais s’il était possible de remplacer le Nutella par de la pâte de praliné ? Et aussi quel fouet utilisez-vous pour le glaçage ? Merci d’avance pour vos réponses.

    • Emilie

      Merci Maryse ! Oui pas de soucis pour la pâte de praliné. J’utilise mon kitchenaid avec le batteur en vitesse moyenne 😉

  • Il est très beau ce gâteau, je t’en piquerai bien une part pour gouter !

  • Laura

    Ce gâteau est magnifique ! Je voulais m’en inspirer pour un anniversaire mais mon glaçage n’est pas aussi lisse que le tien, disons que j’ai un rendu beaucoup plus mousseux et donc très difficile de travailler :/

    • Emilie

      Ugh I don't really know why, maybe you worked it too much ?!