Madeleines in the heart of chestnut cream

Madeleines au cœur de crème de marrons

Le mercredi, c’est toujours l’occasion de faire un goûter, soit pour les enfants ou les amis, mais pour soi aussi !!! Simples et gourmandes, les madeleines font l’unanimité. SO, pour une touche plus gourmande, voici une version à la crème de marrons qui est juste… hmmmm… ! Vous pouvez utiliser de la crème de marrons vanillée toute prête mais c’est encore meilleur avec de la homemade chestnut cream !

All would, faites chauffer le four !

Madeleines au cœur de crème de marrons

Madeleines in the heart of chestnut cream

Ingredients (for about fifteen)

  • 60 g of butter
  • 60 g of flour
  • 60 g cane sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g chestnut cream
  • 1 c. at c. vanilla powder


Beat the eggs with the sugar to obtain a frothy mixture, add the melted butter and the flour and incorporate thoroughly. Finally add the vanilla and refrigerate the dough. 15-20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 210°.

Put the dough in the madeleine molds until halfway then add a little chestnut cream. Cover the whole thing with a little dough..

Bake 12 minutes.

Madeleines au cœur de crème de marrons

Taste with or without moderation !!!


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  • Marta

    Fantastic photos, I love the madeleine!!

  • Muriel

    AH ! The famous Madeleines …Always a treat…

  • Madeleines with a tender heart…so greedy !

    Thanks for sharing 😉

  • Lili

    You say chestnut cream, I am the… Especially if it's with madeleines ! 🙂 Thank you for this gourmet break, Kisses !

  • Whoa

    mmhm delicious little soft and gourmet madeleines for a snack ! the top;)

  • Bene

    I love madeleines, I gave my molds to my father because he was a fan and wanted to make them all the time, but seeing your recipe I almost regret it….I made some with chocolate and lemon, the chocolate was still melting when it came out of the oven., a delight !!

  • Co

    Hmm, these little madeleines look really delicious…

  • LBDN

    This looks very good: i'm drooling in front of my xpp computer
    Otherwise the recipe is simple. I was wondering if I was going to buy madeleine molds but there, The question is no longer asked!

  • cookingrookie

    beautiful madeleines! Lately I was thinking about making some, this is a sign from the above that I should 🙂

  • BoopCook

    hehe how funny, today I made madeleine with nutella heart (maison) ! ;P

  • Anne

    good madeleines, it's simple, I adore. The ones I make only have egg whites and ground almonds. I will try this recipe which is without yeast (it swells less but it's better!)

  • The lemon

    Superb ! Like always !

  • Lily'

    hum, the recipe is super tasty ! I really like adding a heart of something to the madeleines , twice as many treats

  • Amelie

    The photos are just beautiful, I have to take the time to leave a comment … I really want these little madeleines ! <3
    Good evening, Kisses

  • Switzerland

    mmmmm……I immediately adopt the recipe, I love madeleines and with this little touch of chestnut cream, I say simply exquisite!!!!!!!

  • cookparadise

    It's very appetizing

    I wish you a beautiful Thursday


  • Aix guinea fowl

    Madeleines are good, but then madeleine + Chestnut cream, I dunno, it must be heavenly 🙂

  • mamanblog

    I think I'm going to start cooking ! That sounds awesome… Bravo !

  • Popsicles

    Stunning !

  • Lolotte

    Already that I am a fan of brown, if in addition there is chestnut cream in it…. I eat them all 🙂