Chocolate and kumquat muffins {sans gluten – without milk}

Muffins chocolat

J’avais, il y a quelques temps, déniché des jolis kumquats à l’épicerie bio, mais à mon habitude, je les ai acheté sans savoir ce que j’en ferai vraiment. Oui ça c’est une grande habitude chez moi, donc des trucs peuvent trainer des semaines, des mois voir des années dans le placard avant que j’en fasse quelque chose. Bon là rassurez-vous, je n’ai pas attendu bien longtemps avant de penser à l’accord parfait chocolat-agrume, et de faire des muffins chocolat et kumquats. C’est mon premier essai de muffins chocolat, oui j’en avait déjà fait aux pépites de chocolat but never all chocolate (yes it's a bit of a crack !). Well these are gluten free and dairy free., perfect for breakfast or snack or a desire, a chocolate break, a little hollow… Bon, but I bought quite a few kumquats, so expect to see some more in upcoming recipes, and since I don't only eat sweet things (Yes, yes, I assure you), it will be in savory recipes.

All I have left to do is tell you : to your muffin trays !!!

recette de Muffins chocolat

Muffins chocolat

Muffins chocolat maison

Chocolate and kumquat muffins {sans gluten - without milk}
Pour 12 muffins
To print
  1. 200 g brown rice flour
  2. 80 g ground almonds
  3. 80 g cocoa powder
  4. 3 eggs
  5. 90 g whole sugar
  6. 2 teaspoons of baking powder
  7. 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
  8. 5 g fleur de sel
  9. 20 cl of vegetable rice milk
  10. 6,5 cl of vegetable oil
  11. 10 kumquats
  12. 100 g chocolate chips
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°.
  2. Mix together all the dry flour ingredients, Cocoa, sugar, la baking powder, bicarbonate and fleur de sel.
  3. In another bowl, beat the eggs then add the oil and milk. Add this preparation to the dry ingredients and mix.
  4. Cut half of the kumquats into small cubes then add them to the dough.
  5. Also add 80 g chocolate chips.
  6. Pour the mixture into muffin molds then finish by adding the rest of the kumquats cut into slices and the chocolate chips on top..
  7. Bake 20 minutes.
aime & mange
Muffins chocolat

Muffins chocolat recette

Recette de Muffins chocolat


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  • Your muffins look delicious. ! I'm putting this recipe aside, merci !

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss, you will tell me the news 😉

  • It would have been a shame indeed not to use them given the result!! I am like you, a real accumulator!! And until recently, a real wasteer unfortunately 🙁 But for several months I have been trying to recycle everything and throw away as little as I buy! I'm getting lost on your muffins which don't deserve so much seriousness, but once again a big yum!!

    • Emilie

      It’s true that I try not to throw away either ! Thank you miss 😉

  • WOW! I want to try this recipe!!!!

  • Leah

    A superb recipe !!! Just looking at the photos, I'm salivating… Yumm

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss, it’s true that we had fun !!!

  • That's exactly what I said to myself when I saw your recipe.: “Here’s what I’m going to do with the kumquats I have in the fridge! ». I too fell for their “rarity” and then you have to rack your brains to figure out what to do with them.… But I also found…. your recipe will therefore be to finish the “leftovers”!

    • Emilie

      Oh cool, I'm not the only one with kumquats lying around 😉

  • Miss Pat'

    Hello miss ! What magnificent presentations for these muffins which look so good ! What aesthetics, I am speechless ! Congratulations to you for these beautiful treats, healthy and gluten-free.

    I wish you a great week, kisses !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you so much my dear, you are so adorable !
      Kisses xx

  • Perrine

    We are really into kumquat at the moment every 2!^^ What a great idea to have left them whole, the visual rendering (and taste!) just got better…

    • Emilie

      Yes Yes Yes, it seems to be the flagship citrus fruit this season !

  • mmmm that looks delicious, I will try this recipe this weekend