Overnight chia pudding with cereal flakes {vegan}

Overnight chia pudding

Ça y est on est dimanche soir et vous êtes désespérés (et le mot est faible !) car vous n’avez rien de prévu comme petit déjeuner pour ce lundi matin, il y avait bien la brioche préparée ce week-end mais elle était tellement bonne fraiche qu’il n’en reste déjà plus ! Bref si vous n’avez pas comme moi un stock de granola toujours près à être dégainée en cas de pénurie, il vous reste ces overnight chia pudding, traduisez pudding de graines de chia qui passe la nuit au frigo ! Bref encore un truc à dormir debout me direz-vous, But no, just a super easy recipe. Right now I only draw you that, to give you a smile at the beginning of the week. So in the idea, mix all the ingredients, we let it rest overnight in the fridge and in the morning we taste it with our favorite fruits of the moment (I feel you're starting to hang on !). In addition, we customize it a little as we want, because you can juggle between the different cereal flakes (spelled oats, chestnut…) and vegetable milks (coco, almond, hazelnut, riz…) so you can also make a gluten-free version !

I also wanted to thank you for your presence and your little words on the blog and even if I don't really have time to answer everyone, I read them all and they always make me very happy. For those who weren't aware, I announce it here, I'm expecting a second baby girl in early February and the fall viruses haven't really left me alone lately (this explains that !).

Overnight chia pudding recette

Overnight chia pudding vegan

Overnight chia pudding with cereal flakes {vegan}
Pour 4
To print
  1. 200 g cereal flakes (a choice)
  2. 1 tablespoon 1/2 chia seeds
  3. 60 cl vegetable milk (a choice)
  4. 3 tablespoons of agave syrup
  1. Mix all the ingredients together and divide the mixture into 4 closed containers.
  2. Leave overnight and enjoy with fresh fruit the next morning.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Recette Overnight chia pudding

Overnight chia pudding


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  • Oh I didn't know. Congratulations Emily. It's the dad who will be happy, surrounded by his 3 princesses 🙂

  • Little Rega

    I just discovered your blog and your photos are really beautiful. !
    Thank you for this little recipe 🙂

  • Cecilecooks

    Congratulations on this happy news and this second mini-miss to come. !
    Super recipe very easy and between the figs and the mini-kiwi I say yes !

  • Sarah

    Ahhh me I took the reflex a long time ago and I don't get tired of it, it's so convenient on a sunday night! And what's more it's good 🙂
    Very pretty your photos with the small fresh figs

  • What wonderful news ! Congratulations and don't let viruses bother you anymore, take good care of yourself !!! Thank you for this great recipe. I can ask you what is the little green fruit, with pips like a kiwi ? Big hugs 🙂

  • Virginie Malbouires

    it looks very good but it seems to me that "porridge", which I am also fond of, would be a more appropriate name

  • Cassoco

    Tasted and enjoyed this very morning with white figs and diced pear.
    I prepared it with soy milk because it was the milk I had started in the fridge, it deserves a more fragrant chestnut type milk for example, or the addition of a little cinnamon to my taste.
    In any case, PdJ very soft and pleasant. merci

  • Ilona

    Good evening ! Looks delicious 🙂 good luck for the rest of your pregnancy and thank you for your wonderful recipes!
    Good evening,

  • Anoli

    Thank you for this great recipe, it makes 1 year since I discovered your site and I am always impressed by your beautiful photos, in addition, for trying some recipes, I have to say everyone at home enjoyed them! So thank you very much and good luck also for your pregnancy!
    Good day

  • Anoli

    Whoops, pardon, I thought my comment wasn't sent., so I put one back but it had really been sent ah lala… I'll be more careful and sorry for being insistent!:)