Pears poached in black tea and vanilla

Emilie and Lea's Secrets

La saison des poires arrive et il y a vraiment une manière de les manger que j’adore, c’est pochées ! Et puis Monsieur adore ça aussi, alors voici une petite recette à la vanille et au thé noir pour plaire au plus grand nombre. Un classique parfait à déguster pour un dessert léger et savoureux.

Mais personnellement ce que j’aime par dessus tout c’est de les arroser de chocolathummm la gourmande !!! Mais je ne vous en voudrais pas si vous préférez la glace vanille !!!

Pears poached in black tea and vanilla

Ingredients (pour 8 pears)

  • 8 pears (ici de la passe crassane)
  • 100 key of water
  • 250 g cane sugar
  • 1 sachet de thé noir
  • 1 vanilla pod
Poires pochées

Split the vanilla pods lengthwise and scrape out the grains.

In a pot, heat the water, the sugar as well as the vanilla pod and its grains. Then put the tea bag to infuse in this syrup.

Peel the pears and keep the tails, it will be easier to return them to the pan.

Put the pears in the syrup and cook over medium heat for 40 minutes. The syrup should reduce by about 2/3 and the pears become slightly translucent.

Poires pochées

You can keep them cool 4 days or put them in a sterilized jar to keep them longer !

Poires pochées

To taste plain or covered with dark chocolate !


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  • Coralie

    Well like Mr I am a poached perry addict but I had never thought of making them with tea, it's a nice version that you offer us (and I admit that I also like to drizzle them with chocolate ^^)

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Coralie for your compliments 😉 it reassures me, I'm not the only foodie !!!

  • BoopCook

    wow this recipe is delicious)

  • Mathilde

    I have never made a poached pear, but i always had it in mind, it's decided, at the next opportunity I start !