Spinach Quiche

Quiche aux épinards

Les épinards frais font pratiquement toujours partie de mon panier de la semaine, oui car Mini-Mademoiselle adooooore la purée d’épinards mais aussi parce que nous ne faisons pas prier pour en manger. C’est une recette très simple que je vous propose aujourd’hui, une quiche aux épinards sans fioriture, juste des épinards (bah oui sinon ça n’est plus vraiment une quiche aux épinards !!!), de la crème, des œufs et une pâte brisée maison (or not!).

Le plus long sera quand même de bien laver les épinards mais comme je suis une puriste de l’épinard (oui oui ça existe !), I can tell you that it is still better than frozen !!!

Quiche aux épinards

And you spinach, do you think about it ?

Spinach Quiche

Ingredients (pour 1 quiche)

  • 700 g fresh spinach
  • 300 g heavy cream
  • 3 eggs
  • grated nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper

For the shortcrust pastry

  • 200 g of flour
  • 80 g of butter
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 2 c. to s. water
  • 1 pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 190° on the sole.

Prepare the shortcrust pastry by mixing the butter in pieces with the flour and salt, sand everything well and add the egg yolk. Keep working the dough and add the water (you might need a little more). Leave the dough to cool 30 minutes

Meanwhile wash the spinach and blanch it 4 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain well and roughly chop.

Beat the eggs in an omelette then add the cream, nutmeg then season with salt and pepper.

Roll out the dough on 3-4 mm thick then arrange it in a pie mold, trim the edges with a knife and prick the bottom with a fork.

Arrange the spinach on the bottom of the pie then pour the cream on top.

Bake 25-30 minutes, the time for the quiche to take on a beautiful golden color.

Quiche aux épinards

Enjoy hot.


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  • This quiche is very pretty

  • Rosenoisettes

    Very thick and hearty, this pie exudes health ! Let's add some delicacy with goat cheese ;p

  • Syl

    I often do, on adore !!!

  • lydia

    Very greedy ! Kisses

  • Agathe

    Of course, fresh spinach is the best ! On occasion I crack for frozen but it is very rare. Your simple quiche makes me want.

    • Emilie

      Yes it is true that it has an undeniable practical side… !

  • I really like this quiche!

  • Marie Ange

    Oui, you are absolutely right fresh spinach is better. I sometimes decorate with salmon. Bye

  • Louise

    What smoothness ! This pie is very tempting…

  • Cooking Julia

    A nice green quiche, it's nice this season ! Yours is very beautiful.

    • Emilie

      Yes it is full of vitamins !!! Thank you miss !

  • Juliette

    Totally agree with you Emily, fresh spinach has nothing to do with frozen. It's true that it's easy to give in to the easy way but we don't have the same result…
    I like your version, but since I'm a fan of goat cheese, I often crush half a log that I incorporate into the preparation. We don't redo each other !
    Kisses and good night

    • Emilie

      Ah cool, other spinach fans !!! It is true that this version with goat cheese is very tempting too…
      Good day to you, Kisses.

  • It's strange but since I was very little I love spinach, so this recipe is perfect for me 🙂

  • Oh she is appetizing!! I wanted spinach pie this week and then I was too lazy to make the dough so I put everything in the oven, a bit loose (with eggs and cheese) and we had fun. I will keep your recipe for the evenings when I would be more courageous!

  • Everything I like 🙂
    Your zucchini pie recipe / feta and your risotto have become classics that I make regularly thanks to you 🙂

  • Little crushes

    She looks downright delicious 🙂 Yummmmm!!!

  • Fanny

    This quiche looks delicious !!! I think I'm going to make it tonight with silken tofu instead of sour cream...yum I can't wait !!!

  • ding dong

    This quiche holds up very well 🙂

  • Amalia

    Haha I'm not the only one to be a spinach purist, that reassures me!