Risotto with oyster mushrooms and romanesco cabbage {sans gluten – vegan}

Risotto aux pleurotes

C’est parti pour la sixième recette de ce dossier fêtes, et sans surprise c’est un risotto ! Je dis sans surprise, car le risotto est pour moi un vrai plat de fête, et cette année c’est une version vegan que je vous livre, un risotto aux pleurotes et chou romanesco. C’est mon premier risotto sans lait, j’avoue que ça faisait longtemps que je n’en avais pas fait un ! Cette version est vraiment très onctueuse et ça grâce à la crème d’amande, et n’a rien à envier à sa cousine classique au parmesan ! Et puis comme je suis une grande fan de champignons, I popped the oyster mushrooms, I don't often find one and there I jumped at the chance (I even believe that I came back from the market with 1 kilo of his small animals !). Romanesco cabbage adds a crunchy touch and goes wonderfully with mushrooms and almonds.

good with all that, I hope I have made you want to taste this risotto with oyster mushrooms, good but if you are not convinced (bunch of ingrates, va !), you always have the choice to make a cassolette (luckily Tata Emilie is still there !!!).

recette Risotto aux pleurotes

Risotto chou romanesco

Risotto with oyster mushrooms and romanesco cabbage {sans gluten - vegan}
Pour 2 people
To print
  1. 200 g Arborio rice
  2. 60 cl of vegetable broth
  3. 1 small yellow onion
  4. 1 small stalk of celery
  5. 7 cl de vin blanc sec
  6. 250 g oyster mushrooms
  7. 1 little romanesco cabbage
  8. 15 cl of almond cream
  9. 1 filet d’huile d’olive
  10. Salt and pepper
  1. Heat the broth in a saucepan.
  2. In a skillet, heat the olive oil and sauté the onion, celery and oyster mushrooms, previously minced, pendant 10 min on low heat. Add the rice and increase the heat.
  3. Pour the white wine and let boil until completely evaporated and lower the heat (neither too strong nor too weak).
  4. Add the broth to the rice a ladleful at a time, mix and wait for the rice to absorb the broth before adding more. Keep adding broth ladle after ladle and taste the rice frequently, it should be soft and a bit firm (you may not have- be not need all the broth).
  5. Meanwhile, cut the romanesco cabbage into florets. Whiten them 8-10 minutes in salted boiling water. Drain.
  6. When the risotto is cooked add the romanesco cabbage and the cream then adjust the seasoning. Cover the skillet and let stand 1 min before tasting
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
  Risotto pleurotes


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  • BoopCook

    humm how your risotto makes me want to ! Reminds me that it's been a long time since I've done this…;P

    • Emilie

      Oh cool ! Yes there are dishes like that that we no longer make…

  • cousin's canteen

    Miam ton risotto! Your photos are TOP!