Eggplant Riste

Riste d'aubergines

Ça y est, les dernières récoltes d’aubergines et de tomates ont disparus de ma cuisine au profit des légumes de saison !

Je ne sais pas si vous connaissez la riste mais c’est un plat que j’adore de part sa simplicité et son goût. Les aubergines sont longuement confites avec de l’ail et des herbes pour former une compôtée fondante en bouche, hmmmm….

Riste d'aubergines

Parfait en accompagnement d’un rôti, dans des pâtes ou simplement froid en tartines !!!

Eggplant Riste

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 3-4 eggplant (selon la taille)
  • 6-8 tomates ou une boite de tomates au jus
  • 1 onion
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 15 key of water
  • 1 Bay leaf
  • 1 sprig of thyme
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper


Lavez et coupez les aubergines en cubes. Finely chop the onion.

In a pot, drizzle with olive oil and fry the eggplant, minced onion and garlic cloves pressed over medium heat and for 10 min.

Then add the chopped tomatoes, Laurel, Rosemary, thyme, salt and pepper. Pour the water and stir.

Cook covered and over low heat for 1h30. Add a little water if necessary and adjust the seasoning..

Enjoy hot or cold as a spread, for example..


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  • cookparadise

    All in lightness, I like
    Beautiful and pleasant day

    • Emilie

      Thank you Valerie for your compliments 😀
      Good day to you too my dear.

  • sotis

    I did not know the riste, it's done and it's very tempting!!! Have a good evening

    • Emilie

      Thank you Sotis, Glad you found this 😉
      Good day !

  • Ultimately, it's a bit like ratatouille but without the zucchini and peppers, and as I love ratatouille well I think I would like the riste just as much 😉 good evening

    • Emilie

      Yes that's exactly it Kak !!! you will see I love this ratatouille without !
      Have a nice day 😀

  • Miss Mary

    I do not know, but I really want to try…

  • ooooh that's good!

  • lolotte

    A recipe that I did not know but that I note for next summer, I am like you a big fan of everything tomato-eggplant.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Lolotte 😀 So we have the same taste !!!

  • Lili

    Oh yum, this is what I really like !!!!
    Kisses and thank you !! I'll see you on Saturday at the Salon du Blog or you won't be there ?


    • Emilie

      Thank you Lily ^_^
      No, unfortunately I won't be there., I couldn't convince Monsieur to go 🙁 Have fun !
      Kisses kisses my beautiful

      • Nadi[Art]Design

        Sorry for you that you couldn't convince him. Your recipe looks delicious I did not know at all ! Thank you Emily <3 I wish you a good day, sweet kisses xX

      • Emilie

        It's that Soissons is a bit far for us…
        But we will think of you all! Maybe next year… eh Emily ?

  • midi cuisine

    So I was making this dish without knowing that it was called “riste” where this term comes from???

    • Emilie

      It is a specialty of the south of France and it seems to me from the country of Arles at the base !
      The term riste would like to say "fry" it has the same root as rissole !

  • Alexanne

    oh great, I never thought of making it at home; Alex likes it a lot and we usually eat it with brown rice. Thanks for the recipe 🙂

    • Emilie

      Ah yes very good with whole rice 😀
      Thank you miss !

  • argon

    I really like, the tastes of Provence !! you have to appreciate the last aubergines of the season …

    • Emilie

      Ah yes that's it, it's the end !!!
      Thank you Argon 😉

  • Seekerredhead

    I love the eggplant riste it's so good. I've never made it at home, it's time to try it thanks to your recipe !
    Good day

    • Emilie

      Ah yes it's so good homemade and nothing could be simpler !
      Good day to you 😉