Fennel salad, asparagus and gourmet peas

recette de salade de fenouil

Voici une recette de salade de fenouil qui sent bon le printemps ! Alors comme je sais que beaucoup n’aiment pas le fenouil (en vrai, ils ne l’aiment pas encore mais ne la savent pas !), j’ai décidé de le mélanger avec des petits légumes verts bien sympathiques. Oui parce que je pense que les asperges, les pois gourmands et les petits pois c’est ok pour tout le monde ! Bref cette salade c’est un peu tout le printemps dans une assiette (Yes, just that !) et puis bon moi j’aime bien voir arriver ces légumes sur les étals du marché, so I like to cook them just as much !

This fennel salad is packed with flavor and texture,

in a pretty (presque) monochrome green color. You will see, the vegetables cook for a short time because I like to eat them crunchy, but feel free to cook them a bit longer (I didn't say 10 min more eh ?!). Anyway, I hope you learn to love fennel., he only asks to be loved, be careful I'm on the verge of offering it to you cooked but I'm staying soft for the moment !!! Good and if you were already ready for cooked fennel there is an old recipe for fennel tatin here.

Spring salad
complete salad
fennel recipe

Fennel salad, asparagus and gourmet peas


  • 1 large fennel bulb
  • 250 g green asparagus
  • 200 g snap peas
  • 1 handful of fresh peas


  • 8 cl of sweet olive oil
  • Juice and zest of a lemon
  • 1 pinch of Espelette pepper
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Peel the asparagus, pull the thread of the gourmet peas and shell the peas.
  • Bake 6 steam the asparagus, snap peas and peas.
  • Run them under cold water to stop the cooking..
  • Cut the fennel into thin strips using a mandoline or a knife and remove the sprigs.
  • For the vinaigrette, take the lemon zest.
  • Emulsify together the olive oil and the lemon juice then season with the zest, Espelette pepper and salt.
  • Cut the asparagus into sections then mix all the vegetables in the salad then season with the vinaigrette.
raw fennel

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  • hears

    Stunning! And I love fennel. And even more cooked (my digestive system prefers). Roasted in the oven, it's one of my cute sins. And with a few orange supremes as a tribute to my Sicilian roots. Your salad is a real hymn to spring

    • Emilie

      but yes, Yes yes, I love baking too, roast or au gratin, a pure delight !