Black rice salad with wasabina and orange
Aujourd’hui à Grenoble grand ciel bleu, soleil et 20°, non, non, non je ne suis pas devenue miss météo mais il faut bien que je vous justifie le fait de vous sortir une recette de salade au mois d’avril. And then, je me suis dis qu’après l’orgie de chocolats de Pâques il fallait bien se remettre un peu sur le droit chemin et préparer l’été (ouiiii vous savez l’épreuve du maillot !). C’est un peu aussi parce que j’ai déniché du wasabina, cette salade qui ressemble à du kale et qui une saveur piquante comme le wasabi, I therefore wanted to combine the very trendy black rice and wasabina with blood orange to make a rice salad that is a little different from Grandma's. ! If you follow me, you will notice that these oranges are much more sanguine than those of the orange cake, oui, because after this failure I went to look for blood oranges worthy of the name !!! I can't promise you the physique of a weather miss but at least this black rice salad is fresh and light !
If you don't like the crunchy side of wasabina, you can always put it to whiten 1 minute in boiling salted water then put it to cool in iced water, it will only be more tender (don't thank me it's a gift !).

- 1 glass of black rice
- 1 bouquet of wasabina
- 1 orange sanguine
- The juice of half an orange
- The juice of half a lemon
- 1 good drizzle of olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of mustard
- Espelette pepper
- Cook the rice as directed on the packet, drain and let cool.
- Wash the wasabina and roughly cut it.
- Peel the orange and cut it into segments then mix the rice, wasabina and orange together.
- For the sauce, mix the mustard and the orange and lemon juices then mix the sauce with the olive oil., season with salt and a pinch of Espelette pepper and pour over the salad
14.4.16This salad is beautifully colored.…
5.5.16merciiii !
14.4.16I have never gotten my hands on this wasabina yet, it intrigues me ! And I confirm the weather was exceptional today in Grenoble :)
5.5.16Yes, there are really beautiful days ! For wasabina we're seeing more and more of it so I'm crossing my fingers that you come across it
15.4.16I adore ! It looks like the salad I made recently, citrus, attorney, mango….. A delight. Thank you for this vitamin sharing. Looking forward to reading you, my beautiful.
5.5.16Oh yes, There’s everything I love in your salad 😉 Thanks Crystal
15.4.16This is a beautiful, colorful salad., I really like.
Besides, I didn't know wasabina, amazing !
5.5.16Thank you miss 😉
Martine Spivoine
16.4.16Ah ! Wasabina, this delicious “spicy” ; this salad inspires me a lot but after having the chance to find wasabina at Bio Monde on a lucky day, I haven't found any since. Too bad because it’s delicious.
Congratulations for the always very successful recipes and photos..
5.5.16Thank you very much Martine for these lovely compliments 🙂
Miss K
18.4.16What magnificent plates. The visual side is very appetizing
5.5.16Thank you Miss K