Mango and coconut milk smoothie bowl {vegan – sans gluten}

Smoothie bowl

S’il y a bien un truc qu’on voit partout mais absolument partout ces derniers temps, c’est bien le smoothie bowl… Bon, pour les néophites je vais expliquer ce que c’est : un bol de smoothie (d’où son nom !) recouvert de petites choses sympathiques comme des fruits, des supers-aliments, seeds, des floconsEn fait ce qui est bien avec le smoothie bowl c’est qu’on fait absolument ce qu’on veux, on choisit ce qu’on veut mettre dans son smoothie (souvent conditionné par ce qu’il reste comme fruit sur l’étagère) et ce qu’on veut mettre par dessus. So here I am giving you the basics to please yourself for your next breakfast but I only have one thing to say, up to you !

I admit that since I looked into the question, I eat smoothie bowls for about breakfast. 3 times a week because it’s good, it's colorful and it's super quick to make ( yes I see you coming with your lazy remarks !!!). Who’s going to eat a nice breakfast tomorrow morning?, to start the week off right ?!

Smoothie bowl recipes

Recette de smoothie bowl

Mango and coconut milk smoothie bowl {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 1 he was
To print
  1. 1 mango
  2. 20 cl of coconut milk
  4. 1 kiwi
  5. 1 small handful of dried coconut strips
  6. 1 tablespoon of chia seeds
  7. 1 tablespoons of goji berries
  1. Put the peeled and chopped mango in a blender with the coconut milk.
  2. Mix everything until smooth and then pour the mixture into a bowl..
  3. Add on top, kiwi, peeled and cut into slices, coconut shavings, goji berries and chia seeds.
  4. Taste !
aime & mange
Smoothie bowl

Bon smoothie bowl !


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  • Vero

    super pretty bowl, I love it and very simple to make. Thank you for sharing

  • Rosenoisettes

    Just like porridge, I love smoothie bowls, but I must admit that I often do a mix between the two, even more delicious !
    Yours is superb <3

  • CookieM

    rhohhh… food trends follow each other but are not alike !
    but when it tastes good and is healthy, why not succumb 🙂

  • Coco

    It really makes you want it with all these beautiful colorful fruits.!

  • Wow! Much better than a simple smoothie! Very appetizing!

  • Kweezine

    This smoothie bowl is magnificent. !Why not enter our Smoothie Bowl competition 🙂

    Visit our Facebook page and the link to the games is

    Kweezine with love

  • Gorgeous!
    I do it every day! A pure pleasure and some time ago I invented the Smoothie Bowl Mandala. A beautiful ephemeral exercise in gentleness, beauty and gluttony I'm having a lot of fun.
    Thank you for sharing!

    • Emilie

      Ah yes, it’s true that it’s a pleasure to eat something beautiful !

  • Emy

    Merci, mon premier smoothie bowl, and it was killer 😉