Carrot smoothie, orange, mango, “beta carotene”

Smoothie carotte, orange, mangue

Un smoothie bon pour notre corps et notre peau ça vous dit ?! Une bouteille de jus de carotte dans le frigo et hop une idée de smoothie carotte, orange, mangue dans la tête pour le dimanche après midi, Monsieur a fait la tête au départ pour la carotte et puis finalement il en a redemandé !!!

Un smoothie tout orange avec de la carotte, de l’orange et de la mangue et du yaourt pour adoucir le tout, dénommé le « beta-carotène » parfait pour notre bronzage (ou les fesses roses !) les filles (et les garçons bien sûr) !

Carrot smoothie, orange, mango, “beta carotene”

Ingredients (pour 2)

  • 20 cl de jus de carotte
  • 1/4 de mangue
  • The juice of 2 oranges
  • 1 yaourt nature ou 1 fromage blanc


Épluchez la mangue, squeeze the oranges then put all the ingredients in a blender and mix everything until you obtain a foamy consistency.

Serve chilled.


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  • Super seduced !! It is very beautiful and I love its flavors.
    Gourmet kisses.

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much for your compliments reflexenbandoulière !

  • Amelie

    Mmh I would have liked it, it must be delicious ! And the carrot makes you more lovable ! 😛
    Good day, Kisses

    • Emilie

      That’s very true my little lady and it makes my buttocks pink !!!!
      Thank you for your compliments 😉
      Kisses and have a good day to you too !

  • Leticia

    magnificent colors and flavors that I love !

  • Natalie

    Do you think that with this superb drink, all its carrots and their beta-carotene BUT without sun, we can tan ?
    Sign : a scrogneugneu against the weather of the day grrrrrr

    • Emilie

      Mmmmm…. good question… at least you can tan from the inside out !!!
      In any case, the sun is here for us (do not hit me!!!) and the heat too !
      Kisses full of sunshine for (I hope) cheer you up 😉

  • BoopCook

    humm very nice and perfect for stocking up on vitamins ;P

  • Hum… Yum, Yum… A timeless classic, this smoothie !
    Please note that beta-carotene, to be assimilated, must be taken with a fatty substance (oil, oilseed puree…), because pro-vitamin A is fat-soluble 🙂

    • Emilie

      Merci Mély 🙂
      You teach me something there ! Do you think the fat in the yogurt present in the smoothie is enough? ?!