Watermelon raspberry smoothie "the tangy"

Smoothie pastèque framboise

Je crois que je n’aurais jamais autant mangé de pastèque que cette annéeet à part la grignoter telle quelle sortant du frigo (effet désaltérant garantie), vous avez pu voir que j’ai adoré la déguster en smoothie. Alors après le « rafraichissant » à la fraise et à la menthe poivrée et le « déroutant » au pamplemousse et basilic, voici « l’acidulé », un smoothie pastèque framboise pour un mélange très girly ! Mais ne me demandez pas de choisir mon préféré entre les trois je n’y arriverai pas !!!

Something to satisfy you during your breakfasts, because yes a smoothie only takes a few seconds to make, and it’s so fresh and nourishing that I couldn’t do without it to start the day right…yes I am addicted to natural vitamins !

Smoothie pastèque framboise

Who is the right smoothie for? ?!!!

Watermelon raspberry smoothie "the tangy"

Ingredients (pour 2 glasses)

  • 125 g raspberries (here frozen)
  • 1/2 small seedless watermelon
  • The juice of half a lemon


Wash and put the raspberries in the blender.

Cut the watermelon into pieces then add it to the raspberries.

Then finish by adding the lemon juice.

Mix everything 2 minutes or until there are no more pieces and the mixture is foamy.

Pass the mixture through a strainer, if like me you don't like raspberry seeds !

Smoothie pastèque framboise

Serve chilled !


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  • Thing

    Then, I would kill to have a blender in my student kitchen and be able to make this recipe !

  • catou

    You are in yummy n°14 😉

  • Annie cb

    Ah here he is the famous one! I did like you and used frozen raspberries but instead of lemon I added a little cherry syrup and mint leaves.
    With today's heat it's a perfect smoothie with colors… hum!
    See you soon 😉

  • veropapilles

    A smoothie that I would like here, right away, to enjoy on my terrace… Beautiful evening. Vero

  • lydia

    Miammmm !

  • poupougnette

    subtle, refreshing & vitamin, what more? can you pour me a glass?! 😉
    beautiful evening. Kisses

  • Pauline

    it must be delicious!!!