Strawberry soup and coconut whipped cream

Soupe de fraise

La soupe de fraise, voici un dessert que je n’avais jamais réalisé. Oui car chez nous la fraise c’est sacré et on ne la cuisine que très rarement, souvent crue et jamais mixée (oh grand jamais !). J’ai donc dû me bousculer un peu pour tenter l’expérience de la soupe de fraise et mon âme aventurière a payé puisqu’au final j’ai adoré ça. Monsieur m’a même avoué que ça lui rappelait les fraises écrasées au sucre que lui préparait sa grand mère alsacienne, alors là je dis banco !. Comme je ne fais pas les choses à moitié, I chose to top the strawberry soup with coconut whipped cream and lime zest for a light and fresh dessert. Yes because the freshness we still need right now (good I speak for the southern half of France it seems to me !), so it's perfect because as I just said it's a light and fresh dessert and you don't need a pan (youppppiiii !).

Bon, if you don't like coconut milk, that you don't have any on hand or that you don't feel like getting into a coconut whipped cream, you are free to make a “classic” whipped cream !

recette de soupe de fraise

recette soupe de fraise

  Soupe de fraise vegan

Soupe de fraise


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  • I discovered a wonderful blog and a strawberry soup recipe that we would all like !!! Strawberries & coco, two flavors we love…

    • Emilie

      Wahoo thank you very much Celine 😉

    • The couple

      The box of coconut milk, the quantity please.
      Your recipe interests me

      • Emilie


        it is a large box of 400ml knowing that you only have to take the top 😉

  • emilie

    OMG, but it must be a killer to test urgently

  • Margaux

    Bonjour ! I discovered your blog today. : I adore ! The articles and photos are of high quality. ! By the way, this recipe makes me very hungry. !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Margaux, it's always a pleasure to welcome new readers so thank you for your compliments and welcome to my place !

  • Wonderful! And it's easy, I think even I will get there, yes!

  • Cecilecooks

    Stunning !
    Is that instead of recovering the cream above the coconut milk, you can use coconut cream directly ?
    It is absolutely necessary that I remain this whipped cream in any case.

    • Emilie

      So good question, I have always done this and I have never tested with coconut cream… to have !

  • minimalisons

    how your strawberry soup makes you want… to be tested urgently once back in France to replenish your summer fruits… I missed them a lot this year 😉 You make me salivate in front of my screen… Thanks to you !

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss, it's true that strawberries are so good !!! Welcome back 😉

  • Clementine

    I am like you, strawberries never have time to be cooked at home, they are eaten as soon as they arrive… but I admit that I may be going to do myself a little violence too, It looks good !

    • Emilie

      Ah I see that I'm not the only one devouring them just like that 😉

  • Claire BV

    Another delicious recipe ! I may be able to test it with the frozen strawberries I just bought…

    • Emilie

      Oh yes completely, it also works very well !

  • Valerie

    Bonjour !!
    So we only take the coconut cream ? We empty the "juice" ? We don't take all the contents of the box ?

  • Suzanne

    This looks so good! What a great combination of flavors!