Vegetable udon noodle soup {vegan}

Soupe de nouilles udon

Ça y est le printemps est là, SO, il est tout juste temps pour moi de vous préparer une petite soupe de nouilles udon. Et même si on a tous envie de tomates, courgettes et autres légumes d’été (and, si ne niez pas !!!), je vous propose de cuisiner encore un peu la courge et les épinards. Oui, car ce sont les légumes que j’ai choisi pour cette petite soupe toute simple mais très nourrissante. Pour une touche d’originalité j’ai utilisé des champignons enoki, grande première pour moi, et je dois dire que la texture de ce champignon m’a conquise (Sir remained more perplexed !). Anyway, no big speeches today just a good soup filled with good things.

Good weekend to all.

Recette de Soupe de nouilles

Vegetable udon noodle soup {vegan}
Pour 2 people
To print
  1. 1 small packet of fresh udon noodles
  2. 200 g of squash
  3. 1 handful of spinach
  4. 1 small bunch of enoki mushrooms
  5. 60 cl of vegetable broth
  6. 1 drizzle of sesame oil
  7. 1 teaspoon barley miso
  8. 1 green onion
  9. 1 pinch of chilli
  10. 1 pinch of 5 spices
  1. Start by cooking the noodles 6 minutes in a large quantity of boiling water. Drain them and reserve them.
  2. Heat the broth in a saucepan with the chilli and spices.
  3. Cut the squash into small cubes then add it to the simmering broth. Let it cook 10 minutes.
  4. Add the miso and sesame oil and stir well
  5. Wash the spinach then add the leaves to the broth.
  6. Finish by adding the enoki mushrooms and cook 2 minutes.
  7. Serve with chopped green onion on top.
aime & mange
Soupe de nouilles


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  • Guillaume

    Like always, this is a perfect recipe to enjoy !
    I like you

  • Clementine

    a good idea this soup, I have never used these mushrooms…

    • Emilie

      Thank you Clementine, you'll see it's great !

  • Leah

    I can't really get into Asian food, yet I like it in the restaurant, but generally it seems insurmountable to me to do at home (will know why). This recipe looks simple, and fast so maybe I'll try it! 🙂 Merci!

    • Emilie

      So I'm delighted to reconcile you with this kitchen at home then !

  • Roxanne

    It looks good!What kind of squash should be used?

  • Helo

    I can't find fresh udon around my house, it's very different if I take dry ones you think?

    • Emilie

      I don't think it changes much, you can try like this