Apricot and lavender tart {without milk}

Tarte abricots et lavande {sans lait}

Abricot lavande voilà un duo qui fonctionne à merveille et pourtant avant de me lancer dans cette tarte abricots j’étais encore septique sur l’utilisation de la lavande en cuisine ! Mais qui ne tente rien n’a rien, je me suis dit qu’il ne fallait pas rester dans cette ignorance alors, comme la lavande du balcon était en fleurs, je me suis lancée dans l’expérience. Je dois dire que j’ai été surprise du mélange, je précise qu’il faut que la lavande reste discrète au risque d’avoir l’impression de manger un désodorisant toilettes ! Brief, This pie is super easy to make and requires little cooking (just the dough) and few ingredients, you just have to choose nice firm apricots (I didn't say not ripe !) because they will be easier to cut and place on the pie.

Tarte abricots et lavande {sans lait}

Tarte abricots et lavande {sans lait}

Apricot and lavender tart {without milk}
Pour 1 tarte
To print
  1. 8 bergeron apricots (or 10-12 small)
  2. 1/2 apricot jam jar
  3. A few sprigs of lavender
  4. The juice of a quarter of a lemon
  5. 1 tablespoon of honey
  7. 220 g T80 flour
  8. 4 cl neutral vegetable oil
  9. 1 egg
  10. 5 tablespoons of cold water
  11. 2 tablespoons of sugar
  1. Prepare the dough by mixing all the ingredients in a food processor fitted with a sheet or by hand.
  2. Roll out the dough on 3-4 mm thick and pour into a tart pan or circle.
  3. Prick the dough and bake it blind at 190° for 15 minutes.
  4. Once cooled, spread the apricot jam on the bottom of the dough.
  5. Cut the apricots into quarters and arrange them nicely on top of the jam.
  6. Mix honey and lemon juice together, heat if necessary and sprinkle the apricots with.
  7. Finally add lavender seeds and flowers on top.
aime & mange https://aime-mange.com/
Tarte abricots et lavande {sans lait}


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  • Laura

    She is so beautiful ! It makes me want to take a little from you (grande) part :p

  • night

    Very nice this pie ! and I love the wedding with lavender !

  • Anne

    Ah, non, but you did well to fix this error. A little lavender with the apricot, it's good for pie, in jam, and I'm sure there are other recipes that I don't know!

  • LadyMilonguera

    She is beautiful like all your pie !

  • cosmictomatoes

    This pie is beautiful ! I can't get enough of the apricot and lavender combination.

  • For me

    Wonderful! waou

  • Chocolate cream

    What a beautiful pie ! Lavender must go superbly well with apricot !

  • Oh my God : the apricot-lavender combination that just makes me dream too much ! What a wonderful idea that smells like summer !!!! I feel that I will go to the stove shortly 😉 : merci ^^!!!!

  • Emilie

    Rooooo !!! How good it looks ! Just with the picture, I have the fangs ! Sublime ! And the comments, I adore ! From “Emilie” all spit ! It's beautiful what you do, Miss ! 😉
    PS : I think I'm going to let myself be tempted by the apricot watermelon basil smoothie instead !

  • coco

    Very pretty in addition to being very appetizing!