Tart with beets and zucchini hummus {sans gluten, vegan}

Tarte fine à la betterave

Vous vous souvenez peut-être de lhoumous de courgetteet bien j’ai récidivé pour l’associer à de la betterave sur une tarte fine sans gluten. J’adore la betterave, alors comme c’est la saison j’en ai tout le temps dans le frigo, de quoi faire plaisir à Monsieur car lui aussi adore ça !

Et cette fois de jolies betteraves avec leurs fanes m’ont fait de l’œil au marché bio alorscomme je suis faible je n’ai pu résister !!!

Tarte fine à la betterave

Tarte fine à la betterave

At the moment I cook a lot gluten-free, not because I developed a sudden intolerance but because I love exploring new things and working with different flours. And you know what, I'm having fun !!!

Tarte fine à la betterave

Here is a simple and tasty recipe, perfect for a light meal as an accompaniment to a good soup for example !

Tart with beets and zucchini hummus {sans gluten, vegan}


  • 1 raw red beet
  • 5-6 c. to s. zucchini hummus
  • 1 filet d’huile d’olive

For the gluten-free dough

  • 120 g brown rice flour
  • 80 g buckwheat flour
  • 5 c. to s. olive oil
  • 8 key of water
  • 1/2 c. at c. of sel


For the zucchini hummus, recipe ici.

Prepare the dough by working all the ingredients together by hand or in a food processor. Roll out the dough, poke holes with a fork and set aside.

Preheat the oven to 200°.

Spread the zucchini hummus over the dough. Bake 25 min.

Meanwhile peel and make slices of beets using a mandolin.

Une fois le fond de tarte cuit, ajoutez simplement les rondelles de betterave par dessus et un filet d’huile d’olive.

Emilie and Lea's SecretTarte fine à la betterave

Servez chaud ou tiède.


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  • Oh mais je suis jalouse de ces betteraves 😀 Et cette tarte me tente plus que plus, toutes ces couleurs j’adore, c’est tout joli !!

  • argon

    Tiens justement j’ai acheté de la betterave crue hier, je me demandais ce que j’allais faire avecmerci pour ton idée !

  • cookparadise

    Une jolie tarte tout en finesse et de toute beauté
    Beautiful evening

  • Miss Pigut

    Sublime, I adore, alive, what filling !
    It's true that it's great to explore gluten-free cooking, it encourages you to come up with new ideas. This dough looks very nice, bravo.

    • Emilie

      Oh yes I love it it's great !!!
      Thank you my beautiful 😉

  • Natalie

    This pie is too beautiful ! Coordinated with Grandma Denise's hair and especially with my monochrome menu of the day 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh yeah I saw that, great minds think alike !!!
      Thank you Natalie

  • Laurence

    Very nice recipe and a very nice filling. I also have beets in my vegetable bin since yesterday ^^ Good idea !
    Gourmet kisses !

  • What's Good About Beets, is that it is first of all a feast for the eyes ! Your pie is no exception… (ah and I missed the zucchini hummus so thank you for the reminder shot !)
    kisses girls

    • Emilie

      It's true, I loved your all cute pink blinis !!!
      Thank you my beautiful 😉

  • lolotte

    It's just wonderful! And I just wouldn't have thought of it!

  • b-wak

    Oh my love… beet… ❤

  • Lili

    Yum ! Already that I was a fan of zucchini hummus for having tested it, but with beets, it's just perfect !! I note your recipe !! Kisses xx

    • Emilie

      Thank you Lili, t’es adorable ^_^
      kisses my dear

  • poupougnette

    very original and very pretty! I really like this pink color!!
    congratulations for this delicious recipe!
    Good afternoon.
    Kisses, Kisses

    • Emilie

      Thank you my beautiful 😉
      Good day !