Chocolate banana tartlet

Tartelette banane chocolat

Je suis une grande fan de tarte à la banane et il y a quelque temps je vous avait proposé une version à la confiture de lait avec une pâte complète que j’avais adoréMais qui n’aime pas associer la banane avec le chocolat ?! C’est un des très très very very very very very grand classique de la pâtisserie et pour notre plus grand plaisiret je suis la première à adorer ça !!! Et comme je ne fais pas les choses à moitié, je me suis lancée dans une pâte sablée au chocolat for an all-chocolate tartlet !

It's just too good, the chocolate is still melting and the banana just cooked…hmmmm…I adore !!!

Tartelette banane chocolat

Tartelette banane chocolat

Chocolate banana tartlet

Ingredients (pour 4 tartlets)

  • 2 bananas
  • 100 g good dark chocolate
  • 7 cl of liquid cream
  • 30 g of butter

For the chocolate shortcrust pastry

  • 125 g of flour
  • 70 g of butter
  • 50 g icing sugar
  • 1 Egg yolk
  • 1 c. to s. cocoa powder
  • 1 pinch of salt


Start with the shortcrust pastry, for that, mix all the ingredients together (except egg yolk)  at your fingertips. Then add the yolk and a little water if necessary. Knead until you get a smooth ball. Film and keep cool for 2 hours.

Preheat the oven to 190° on the sole.

Roll out the dough between two sheets of parchment paper on 3-4 mm thick, cut circles the size of the molds and garnish the previously buttered and floured molds. Prick the surface with a fork.

Prepare the ganache by boiling the cream, remove from the heat and add the grated or chopped chocolate, stir well then add the butter in pieces.

Pour the ganache into the tartlets.

Cut the bananas in half lengthwise and then in half again in the same direction. Then cut into sticks the size of your molds. Arrange them on the ganache.

Bake 12 minutes.

Tartelette banane chocolat

Enjoy once cooled.

Tartelette banane chocolat


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  • lili

    Mmmm the killing it must be !!!

  • LadyMilonguera

    I melt in front of your tarts…

  • Dana


  • miss kitchen

    Too Gourmand !!! My mouth is watering just looking at the pictures !!!
    good on the other hand for the test it will wait for the fall because there with the heat wave, I avoid running the oven… on the other hand, I can imagine a banana ice cream with nuggets (or grout) chocolate to wait !!! 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh yes nice idea to wait with this heat !

  • Chloe Delice

    Oh I'm literally cracking up here…. It's too tempting!!!

  • Liz

    oh this pie is for me, I adore!! I had never thought of the chocolate paste…

    • Emilie

      It's true that all chocolate is even more delicious !!!

  • This is one of my favorite pies along with the raspberry pie ! Chocolate banana is just a real killer. Kisses the greedy !

    • Emilie

      Oh yes the raspberry pie… kisses my beautiful

  • Miss Pat'

    Bonjour ! I love this idea of ​​tartlets combining banana and chocolate. I do not hesitate to mix the latter with many fruits. My last little recipe was to pour dark chocolate with crushed pistachios on a piece of banana pricked with a stick to make a lollipop. Kisses and very nice day 😉

    • Emilie

      Oh yes banana-chocolate it always works and the idea of ​​lollipops…hmmmm…

  • Messergaster

    too cutely presented!

  • argon

    it looks very good, even if it must be a little caloric 😉 ​​but you have to have fun from time to time !

    • Emilie

      Yes a little pleasure it does not hurt 😉