Tarte Aux Groseilles {vegan}

Je reviens avec une recette sucrée hyper simple, oui parce qu’entre nous, l’été on a envie de petits plats rapides à cuisiner, idem pour les desserts ! Alors même si on utilise le four, on ne l’allume pas pour bien longtemps et puis c’est pour la bonne cause parce qu’en nous cette tarte aux groseilles est juste wahou ! Et pourtant la recette est toute simple et ne demande que peu d’ingrédients et que des trucs faciles à dénicher même en vacances au supermarché du coin (bon je vous l’admet, à condition d’avoir un four !). Vous l’aurez compris, this pie will be devoured as quickly as it was made and even more so if, like me, you serve it with whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream (assured decadence !!!) !
There's more to life than redcurrant jelly,
yes because even if we like it we don't all have to make only jam (well here we love it so we do both !!!). Alors go, we take advantage of it because we are in the middle of the gooseberry season and take advantage of it to discover the different kinds of gooseberries : the Reds, the white ones, gooseberries… in short, something to have fun ! So, I wish you a great summer and happy holidays to those who have them !

Tarte Aux Groseilles {vegan}

- 1 vegetable puff pastry
- 250 g currants
- 4 tablespoons of sugar
- 2 tablespoons of almond powder
- 2 tablespoons of flaked almonds
- Preheat the oven to 200°.
- Mix together 2 tablespoons of sugar and almond powder.
- Spread the puff pastry then add the sugar/almond powder mixture on top, leaving 2-3 cm on the edges.
- Add the hulled currants on top.
- Sprinkle with the remaining sugar going to the edges then add the flaked almonds around the edges.
- Bake 18-20 minutes.
- Serve warm with whipped cream (here plant).
8.8.23MY MY MY ! STUNNING ! : )
9.8.23Merci !