Chocolate triangle


Voici une version toute particulière du trianon au chocolat, particulière car c’est tout d’abord pour l’anniversaire de Monsieur que je l’ai réalisé hier (oui je suis rapide à poster un article pour une fois !!!) et parce que ça n’est pas vraiment un trianon classique. Oui, déjà dans la présentation (je me suis d’ailleurs largement inspiré des « Fantastik » de Monsieur Michalak), et aussi dans les proportions. J’ai voulu plus de dacquoise, simplement parce que c’est bon et deux mousses au chocolat différentes, une au chocolat noire (la classique) et une autre au chocolat au lait (for gluttony !). Finally, this gives a light cake when tasting, not too sweet, chocolatey and with a good hazelnut taste… anyway, a little killing of which I am not very proud (mince, I won't fit into my favorite sandals anymore !) !!!

So yes, the list of ingredients is dizzying and the preparations numerous, but it's not that complicated to do after all (well I think…). I hope you like it and that it makes you want to get started, maybe for a special occasion you too !

Recette de trianon


Chocolate triangle
Pour 6-8 people
To print
  2. 150 g icing sugar
  3. 100 g hazelnut powder
  4. 70 g ground almonds
  5. 5 egg whites
  6. 40 grams of sugar
  7. 1 pinch of salt
  9. 120 g of praline paste
  10. 70 g of lace crepes
  11. 60 g of milk chocolate
  12. 10 g of butter
  14. 100 g of milk chocolate
  15. 30 whipping cream + 5 cl
  16. 3 eggs
  17. 20 g of butter
  18. 2 Gelatin sheets
  19. 1 tablespoon of sugar
  21. 100 g dark chocolate
  22. 10 whipping cream
  23. 1 egg
  24. 25 grams of sugar
  25. 25 g of butter
  1. Preheat the oven to 190°.
  2. For the dacquoise, mix together the almond and hazelnut powders with the icing sugar. Beat the egg whites with the salt then add the sugar gradually while continuing to beat.. Then delicately incorporate the whites into the previous mixture. Pour the mixture into a buttered circle or springform pan.. Bake 15 minutes.
  3. Prepare the milk chocolate mousse. Soften the gelatin in cold water. In a salad bowl, add the chocolate and butter, then melt everything in the microwave or in a bain-marie. Heat them 5 cl of cream then add the well-drained gelatin. Add the chocolate cream, mix. Separate the yolks from the whites, mix the yolks with the chocolate and beat the egg whites with the sugar. Add them delicately to the chocolate, lifting the mass with a spatula. Finish by beating the whipped cream then adding it to the chocolate mousse. Put the mixture in a piping bag fitted with a smooth nozzle then set aside to cool..
  4. Then prepare the dark chocolate mousse. Put the chocolate with the butter in a salad bowl and melt it in the microwave or in a bain-marie.. Separate the egg yolk from the white, add the yolk to the chocolate and beat the white with the sugar. Add it delicately to the chocolate, lifting the mass with a spatula. Finish by beating the whipped cream then adding it to the chocolate mousse. Put the mixture in a piping bag fitted with a fluted nozzle then set aside to cool..
  5. Prepare the crunchy praline, To do this, melt the milk chocolate with the butter in a bain-marie or in the microwave.. Add the praline then the crushed lace crepes, mix. Spread the crispiness over the dacquoise and set aside in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Pipe the chocolate mousses on the crust making different sizes.
  7. Decorate with grated cocoa beans (optional) and keep cool.
aime & mange
Trianon au chocolat



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  • Rosenoisettes

    Your revisited Trianon makes me want it so much, especially as lunch approaches 🙂

  • CookieM

    Oh how beautiful he is !
    Monsieur is of the “Taurus” sign like my husband and I… He must be greedy then ! With this cake, he is spoiled.

    • Emilie

      Yes he is greedy even if he says the opposite !

  • Perrine

    A really good gift for Mr., vrai que vous avez dû vous régaler!

    • Emilie

      Merci Perrine, oh yes, il nous a fait la semaine !!!t

  • Muriel

    Superbe Gâteau, pour un Monsieur Super Gâté ! Félicitations aux 2

  • isabelle

    This cake is beautiful, bon annif à Monsieur !! 🙂

  • Il est trop chouette ! Encore une jolie réalisation 🙂

  • La présentation est au top! C’est vrai que la liste d’ingrédients fait un peu peur par contre :p

    • Emilie

      Thank you Lea ! Oui mais il est quand même assez rapide à faire 😉

  • Ton trianon est sublime !! Il est bien chanceux monsieur 😉

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss ! Oui je trouve aussi !!!

  • Très jolie version du trianon ! Nettement meilleure que l’originale !!

  • Very pretty! J’espère que Monsieur a apprécié!

  • Leah

    wow !! This recipe is really splendid and your photos are to die for. !
    As per usual, this is a beautiful birthday cake !
    I hope you're doing well…

    • Emilie

      Thanks my beauty, you are adorable ^-^
      Kisses to you too !

  • Alison

    Your Trianon is incredible ! I don’t think I’ve ever seen one so appetizing 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you Alison, that's a compliment !

  • Louise

    He is magnificent, what a trianon !

  • Cecile

    Stunning ! I plan to make this for a dinner ! How long can I do it?, in advance ? I'm afraid the moss will fall again ? Would you have an indication of the total preparation time? ? Thank you so much !!!!!

    • Emilie

      It can be made 24 hours in advance without problem ! Personally I took 2 hours…