Velouté of salsify and puff pastry twists with tapenade {To prepare for Christmas #9}

Velouté de salsifis

Le salsifis est un légume auquel on ne pense pas assez souvent pourtant il ne manque pas de nous surprendre par sa saveur, et sait être sympa pour s’accommoder dans vos préparations au gré de vos envies !

Le salsifis frais n’a rien à voir avec celui que l’on trouve déjà blanchis en boite ou bocaux, alors je ne peux que vous encourager à les cuisiner frais mais je ne vous en voudrais pas si vous n’en trouvez pas ou si jamais vous avez un peu la flemme d’être de corvée d’épluchage ! Car oui parlons de l’épluchage, I cannot recommend enough that you wear gloves when peeling salsify., because it oozes a fairly sticky white sap… So if you want to save your hands, listen to aunt Emilie !!!

Velouté de salsifis

Salsify velouté and puff pastry twist with tapenade

Ingredients (pour 4)

  • 900 g fresh salsify
  • 75 cl of vegetable broth
  • 1 white onion
  • 3 c. to s. sweet olive oil
  • 10 cl of oat cream or crème fraîche
  • Salt and pepper
  • Olive oil

For puff pastry twists

  • 1 pure butter puff pastry
  • 4 c. to s. black olive tapenade


Peel the salsify and cut them into pieces. Reserve them in lemon water.

Chop the onion then heat a drizzle of olive oil in a casserole dish. Brown the onion over low heat for 5 minutes. Then add the drained salsify as well as the vegetable broth. Bring to a boil and let cook 35 minutes over medium heat.

During this time, make the twists, for that, preheat the oven to 200°. Spread the puff pastry with tapenade then cut into strips one centimeter wide. Twist them and place them on a baking tray. Bake 10-12 minutes.

Mix the soup with the oat cream and adjust the seasoning.

Velouté de salsifis

Serve with a drizzle of sweet olive oil on top and the puff pastry twists with tapenade as an accompaniment..


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  • daryouchka

    This soup looks delicious. ! I love salsify but in Lille it’s not always easy to find it. ! As a result, I only cooked it once to make a vegetable pie, and I didn’t forget to wear gloves :)

  • Shame on me but apart from in restaurants I have never eaten salsify and to be honest, I don't even know what it looks like (I feel that Google Image will save my lack of culture…)
    So if one day I find fresh ones I will be sure to remember this recipe (and Emilie’s advice !)
    Kisses and above all happy holidays to you girls

    • Emilie

      I won't blame you as long as you fix this mistake very quickly. !!! 😀
      Very happy holidays to you too my dear <3
      Lots of kisses xx

  • poupougnette

    I went on vacation for a week, It’s crazy how much I could have missed about you girls! you have done wonders in the kitchen!! 😉
    I adore!! and this velvety and just to die for!! ^^
    I wish you a wonderful end-of-year celebration.
    Kisses, Kisses

  • cookparadise

    This is an excellent introduction
    I wish you a beautiful New Year's Eve

  • Marie

    I like this vegetable, but I admit that I have never found any fresh ones (I never really looked for it either). In any case, your recipe sounds good to me 🙂

  • lolotte

    HUm..; I adore.. the tapenade puff of my favorites

  • Clemence

    It’s been ages since I ate it and I’ve never made fresh one.…