Vegan and gluten-free pancakes

Crêpes vegan et sans gluten

En voyant cette recette de crêpes vous dites surement que j’ai un train de retard car oui la Chandeleur c’est déjà passé, ne vous inquiétez pas je suis au courant ! Bon je pense qu’à part si vous n’aimez pas ça, vous mangez quand même des crêpes en dehors de la Chandeleur donc ces crêpes devraient quand même vous plaire et vous faire plaisir ! Après moultes essais plus ou moins réussis, voici la recette parfaite de crêpes vegan et sans gluten, oui oui rien que ça ! En plus petit détail qui change tout, point de prise de tête avec les grumeaux, put all the ingredients in the blender, mix and obtain a smooth, ready-to-use paste, no need for rest (for the dough I mean, you I don't know !). On the other hand, a little advice, once your pancakes are cooked and cooled, do not pile them on top of each other as they may stick together, fold or roll them.

in prime, I give you a little recipe for blood orange curd (vegan and gluten-free of course my good lady)to perfectly accompany your pancakes, don't thank it's a gift !

recette de Crêpes vegan et sans gluten

Crêpes vegan et sans gluten recette

Vegan and gluten-free pancakes
For around twenty pancakes
To print
  1. 400 g silken tofu
  2. 250 g of tapioca flour
  3. 100 g cornstarch
  4. 80 g buckwheat flour
  5. 80 g vegetable margarine
  6. 1/2 baking powder
  7. 70 key of water
  8. 1 pinch of vanilla powder
  10. The juice of 3 blood oranges
  11. 1/4 teaspoon of agar agar
  12. 30 g vegetable margarine
  13. 1 heaped tablespoon of cornstarch
  14. The zest of an orange
  1. Melt the margarine in a saucepan.
  2. Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth..
  3. Cook your crepes in an oiled crepe pan 1 To 2 minutes per side.
  4. Let cool, fold and enjoy !
  5. For the curd, add the orange juice, zest and agar agar in a saucepan, boil the water 2 minutes then add the margarine and starch, mix well with a whisk (pass through a sieve if necessary) then set aside to cool 30 minutes.
aime & mange

Crêpes vegan et sans gluten tofu

Crêpes vegan et sans gluten


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  • vero

    Your pancakes are very appetizing, the photos make you want in any case. Thanks for the recipes