Creamy polenta with pumpkin and mushrooms {vegan – sans gluten}

Polenta crémeuse vegan

Pour bien commencer la semaine, dernière ligne droite avant Noël, je vous propose une deuxième idée de plat après le risotto de patate douce. Ce petit plat, de nouveau sans gluten, c’est une polenta crémeuse au potimarron accompagné d’une poêlée de champignons des bois. Oui, car quoi de mieux que la courge en ce moment, les étals en regorgent et le potimarron à ce petit goût de châtaigne en plus qui lui donne un petit air de fête. Pour ce qui est question de la fête, we have fun and we pop wild mushrooms because it's still a little more glamorous than button mushrooms ! Around here, polenta is a bit of a family story, so I couldn't miss this year and even if it is traditionally served with cheese, I have chosen to offer you a version 100% vegetable.

I hope you will like this recipe as much as we do and that it will find its place on a vegetable New Year's Eve table !

Recette de polenta crémeuse

Polenta au potimarron

Creamy polenta with pumpkin and mushrooms {vegan - sans gluten}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 200 g medium polenta
  2. 300 g pumpkin purée
  3. 20 cl of soy cream
  4. 400 g wild mushrooms (here trumpets of death, chanterelles and sheep's feet)
  5. 1 clove garlic
  6. 1 filet d'huile d'olive
  7. 1/2 bouquet of parsley
  8. Salt and pepper
  1. Cook the polenta in salted boiling water as indicated on the package and halfway through cooking add the pumpkin puree. Finish cooking, adjust the seasoning and add the soy cream.
  2. Heat a drizzle of olive oil in a pan, add the crushed garlic clove and cook 3 minutes on low heat. Increase the heat then add the cleaned mushrooms. blow up 5-6 minutes and season.
  3. Chop the parsley and add it to the pan.
  4. Serve the polenta in deep plates with the pan-fried mushrooms on top.
aime & mange
Polenta crémeuse

Polenta courge


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  • Rosenoisettes

    Your dish looks terribly appetizing !

  • Erika

    These mushrooms! They look amazing! Very appetizing!

    Happy Holidays !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Erika !
      Happy new year 😉

  • Marielle

    The staging is particularly successful, inventiveness always at the rendezvous, in short, it's Christmas before Christmas ! We are having fun, I hope you manage to console yourself…Good luck and thank you.

  • cookieM

    With us, it's traditional polenta, but here is a good idea that will change it ! I take note of that.

    • Emilie

      Ah cool, I hope this dish will be unanimous !

  • Muriel

    With these beautiful pictures, it makes me want … I'm going to launch…And and …

    • Emilie

      Ah so I'm waiting to see the result 😉

  • Zévelyne

    Thank you for this great idea. I take note because I just wanted polenta but in another form than the simple pancake.

    • Emilie

      Ah yes it's true that it changes a lot 😉

  • Laetitia

    I tried your recipe and it was really good. !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you for this gourmet return Laetitia 😉

  • Name*nellie

    Can the pumpkin polenta be made in advance and reheated in the oven?

    • Emilie

      She can but if she is prepared in advance, it loses its creaminess as it hardens.