Apple butter with maple syrup
Ah le beurre de pommes… avec Monsieur nous avons découvert les joies de cette petite recette durant notre voyage de noces au Québec, je vous offre donc aujourd’hui une petite part de mes souvenirs… C’était l’hiver, il faisait very very very very very très froid et le sirop d’érable et le beurre de pommes étaient nos alliés du déjeuner (petit déjeuner en québécois !). Hé oui, car le beurre de pommes ça se tartine ! Personally, j’aime aussi beaucoup le manger avec du fromage blanc ou sur une panna cotta For example.
Alors profitez-en, car c’est plus que super facile à faire et c’est tellement bon…
Anyway, I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. !
Apple butter with maple syrup
Ingredients (pour 2 pots)
- 8-10 apples (boskoop, braeburn, reinettes)
- 120 g of butter
- 13 cl of light or medium maple syrup
- 1 c. at c. lemon juice
Peel and cut the apples into quarters.
Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and let it cook 45 minutes on low heat.
Finely mix the preparation until you obtain a puree and divide into airtight glass jars..
Keep cool.
21.3.13mmmhmm your recipe immediately makes my mouth water !!!
21.3.13Thank you my beautiful 😉
Mama Dine
21.3.13Yum !!! This calls me to order, I have a recipe for maple apple butter that has been waiting to be tested for 1 an Gloups …..
No doubt it must be really delicious !!!
21.3.13Lol !!! Oh yes, we all have plenty of them. !!!
21.3.13Never heard of it ! Never tasted ! I'm going to try because you talk about it with so much relish that it makes you want to ! BiZ
PS : Quebec,for us, it was our pre-honeymoon during an ideally hot and colorful Indian summer 😉
Student cuisine
21.3.13Aaaah maple syrup, we love it so much! Ici, in Quebec, It’s precisely sugar time. This is a perfect recipe for the season, comforting and delicious 🙂
21.3.13This looks really good to me ?
Pimouss Rose
21.3.13it looks so good ! I’m keeping the recipe aside and I promise to try 🙂
Nadia Chougui
21.3.13Really a killer recipe, so simple and so good !
by acb 4 you
21.3.13hmmmmmm, I feel like I'm going to love it! I knew the tatin-style apple jam which is to die for but not the apple butter. I'll try it soon, I will keep you informed. Beautiful evening
21.3.13hmmm that looks like a real treat!
22.3.13I've seen it before and it's very tempting
Beautiful night
22.3.13oh that makes you want it so much, I did not know at all, a new recipe to try in my notebook, merci
22.3.13it must be really good, I love it =)
Valerie / Raspberries and bergamot
22.3.13Ah ! apple butter, since I wanted to do it !
I really need to get started ….
Beautiful day
22.3.13Oh well that ! I didn't know at all ! What texture should it be? ! The fruitiness of apple, the sweetness of maple syrup, the creaminess of the butter… I can imagine it, and it only makes me want it more !
22.3.13Oh yes anyway, the level of gluttony is very high!!
22.3.13Ah yes, we don’t skimp on delicacies here !!!
22.3.13Ah, moi, I adopt ! It must be delicious. Cheers and have a nice day. Vero
22.3.13Cool up! And we’re going to say that this makes our morning portion of fruit 😉
22.3.13Well of course yes !!! 😉
22.3.13Good evening, I discover… Could this also be used to garnish a sponge cake??
28.3.13Yes I think, maybe to mix with whipped cream-mascarpone why not !!!
25.3.13Mmmm, the fruity slaughter of the day ! A very nice recipe, bravo ! 🙂 Big kisses to both of you !!
25.3.13Oh it must be really good !