Brioche with pink pralines – Saint-Genix {without milk}

Recette de Saint Genix

La brioche aux pralines roses c’est un peu l’équivalent du kouign amann pour les bretons ou le kouglof pour les alsaciens, c’est notre brioche à nous ! Le Saint-Genix c’est clairement pour moi le souvenir des goûters que l’on allait chercher à la boulangerie après l’école. Aujourd’hui je l’ai revisité en version sans lait, une version filante et gourmande avec du sucre casson sur le dessus pour que ça croustille !

La brioche au pralines est une brioche gourmande,

que l’on déguste avec une bonne boisson chaude au petit-déjeuner ou au goûter. In short, it’s not the kind of brioche we make every day. (besides it was a yawn, genre 5 ans, that I hadn't done any !), but a little decadence and gluttony doesn't hurt ! And then if you have any pralines left, you can do another one or make some chouquettes !

pink pralines recipe
Brioche with pink pralines

Brioche with pink pralines – Saint-Genix {without milk}


  • 250 g of flour
  • 125 g of margarine 80% de MG
  • 120 g of crushed pink pralines
  • 3 eggs + 1 yellow for gilding
  • 30 grams of sugar
  • 10 g of baker's yeast
  • 2 g de sel
  • 20 g brown sugar
  • Put the yeast with 2 tablespoons of lukewarm water, let it rest 10 min then stir.
  • For the brioche, put the flour in a bowl, make a well and add the yeast to the center. Work the dough between your fingers and incorporate the eggs, sugar and salt. Knead the dough by hand or in a robot fitted with a hook.
  • Knead until you obtain a smooth dough then add the margarine in pieces at room temperature.
  • Knead the dough until it comes away from the bowl.
  • Let the dough rise covered under a tea towel for 2 hours.
  • Degas the dough with your fist, spread it and add the pralines.
  • Ball the dough (form a ball) by putting the welds underneath.
  • Place the dough on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and leave to rise for 2 hours.
  • Preheat the oven to 170°.
  • Brown the brioche with the egg yolk diluted with 1 tablespoon of water then sprinkle with brown sugar.
  • Bake 40 minutes.

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  • Coralie

    And and, I envy you ! Since I spent my vacation in Ardèche and discovered this brioche for breakfast, I fell in love with it (Yes yes, it's possible). I always have pralines in my cupboard now ^^

    • Emilie

      Ah cool fans and connoisseurs of Saint Genix, it’s a bit like my Proust madeleine !!!

  • Marie

    Very pretty brioche, I imagine it very well accompanied by violet jam. 😀

    • Emilie

      Oh nice idea of ​​association Marie, yum 😀

  • Natalie

    Drôme, I love this brioche from home ;-p
    Fortunately, Mother-in-law has chickens, I will be able to make your recipe, as soon as I go down.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • Emilie

      But I didn’t know that you were from Drôme…
      I grew up in Valencia and still work there.

      • Natalie

        Oh hey, I wrote it on a post where one of you 2 had posted photos of Grenoble mountains !
        Actually, adopted Drôme, from Crest more precisely 😉

        • Emilie

          It is totally true. I remember it now…
          Me too it’s adoption. Actually, I reached the age of 5 ans, but I am from Franche-Comté.

          • Natalie

            Ah if we continue to chat about the regions, I have to say that I met the warmest people ever known in Franche-Comté. (little attention to readers : that doesn't mean that people elsewhere are cold, but go to Franche-Comté and you will understand ;-)).

          • Emilie

            Totally agree with you…
            But when it comes to character, I grew up in the south, If you know what I mean… 😉

          • Natalie

            And me between Corsica and Alsace… The result ? A strong character that I assume ;-))

          • Emilie

            Lol 😀

  • ladymilonguera

    Your brioche is just superb !

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much miss ladymilonguera 😀

  • Elodie

    I tasted it on my way to Annecy and I loved it ! I will try this recipe though apart from the supermarket, in the north, pink pralines are not common.
    The pralines are completely different !!

    • Emilie

      Otherwise, you have to try to make them at home…

  • This brioche is sublime, I didn't know 🙂

  • Valerie

    I'm a fan of this brioche. I buy some every time I pass through your area. I also happen to make some. Yours is superb !

  • Nath

    Oh, lots of memories that come back to me with this recipe ! All I have to do is make my pink pralines and let's go back to childhood. Merci 🙂

  • BoopCook

    wow she is beautiful !!! And really very tasty ! I would love to steal this brioche for my lunch ! ;P

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much BoopCook, I'm waiting for you for breakfast’ SO !!!

  • Lolotte

    hummm this brioche looks divine!

  • That's it, you win hands down the week of gluttony ! With this brioche you delivered the final blow ! I'll catch up next week !

    • Emilie

      Thank you for this prize miss 😉 it’s true that this week has been delicious !!!
      Can't wait to see what you'll come up with for us !

  • Estelle

    The Ardécho-Drôme resident that I am loves this brioche. Homemade and more, it's even more pleasant. Beautiful pictures ! 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh delighted to meet people from our home 😀 Thank you Estelle for your compliments !

  • R'Evelyne

    Hello girls!
    Your blog is superb !
    I'm also from Grenoble and I love your St Genix!

    • Emilie

      Welcome to our home R’evelyne, merci 😀

  • kakouech

    I want to believe you when you say try it, it’s adopting it, it looks so good!!! mmmm

  • Lili

    Then, your fund !! It is superb, bravo !!! Kisses xxx

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Lili 😀
      Kisses <3

  • night

    This brioche is magnificent ! I often make them with pralines ! these are my favorites !

    • Emilie

      Ah we are not the only ones in what I see, cool !!!

  • poupougnette

    your brioche is sublime, girls! ♥ I love it!!
    for a snack with a good hot chocolate!! ^^
    good afternoon.
    Kisses, kisses ♥

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Poupougnette, oh yes perfect with hot chocolate !!!
      Good afternoon to you too.

  • My

    Owl a Saint Genix. It’s my childhood city and YES I miss Saint-Genix in Nantes.

  • angelic

    Good evening,
    I made this recipe yesterday for my work colleagues, verdict of the day : they loved it, and me too!
    Thank you so much

    • Emilie

      Many thanks Angélique once again for this feedback, delighted that the Saint Genix was well appreciated !

  • Cook-with-love

    Saw your message, we must not live very far away ! Anyway, yours is beautiful, he makes me want !

    Ps : I'm organizing a competition on my blog on the theme 'your best holiday recipe’ with lots of nice prizes to be won ! I hope to see you there !

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss Cook-with-love 😉 Indeed we are from Grenoble !!!

  • JLM

    I discovered pralulin, Last year. It's excellent. During demos organized by one of our suppliers, she's still all the rage. The link on my name takes you to the demo video
    Thank you for the recipe because the cook doesn’t always give everything 😉


    HELP !! I tried 2 times the recipe, and the 2 same observation : the brioche swells well but after adding the pralines, it remains compact. So the taste is there, but the brioche is not as airy as desired…
    Do you have a tip? ?

    Thank you in advance !!!

    • Emilie

      Thank you for your message Lucile but I don’t see at all what could be happening, you just shouldn't rework the dough too much after the first rise, just degas it and add the pralines. I hope I helped you anyway !

  • key!it...

    Bonjour !
    Thank you for this recipe which I will put into practice this afternoon.
    As an aside, degas the dough with your fist. 😉

    • Emilie

      Thank you and good luck…
      …corrected 😉

  • Charlie

    I discovered this delicious brioche during a vacation in St-Génix, there is good 5 or 6 years ago… every time I stay speechless in front of the pink pralines at the baker, telling myself that I must taste this delight again, but not having the courage to get there… I think I'll be able to try your recipe which looks relatively easy. !

    Many thanks !

    • Emilie

      Oh yeah, once you know the brioche dough, we never leave it anymore 😉

  • Jack

    Well, here I am, I found your brioche dough recipe which we enjoyed with the brioche sausage ! I am surprised by the final rising time … You put it in the fridge for the night ?
    Oh, I'm from the south of Grenoble. A small village called St Paul de Varces

    • Emilie

      Yes, it’s the recipe that I use everywhere 😉 Yes, the cold sets the aromas and it is only better if you reserve it at least 1 cool hour !
      Oh yes Saint Paul de Varces is not very far !!!

  • Alannie

    Successful and very appetizing, this beautiful brioche!thank you Emilie!


    Bonjour, thank you for this recipe it looks great !
    I am in the process of making it, but at the end of kneading the edges of the dough come away from the bowl but it seems to remain very liquid and does not form a ball. Is this normal ? Do you have any advice? ?

    • Emilie

      Bonjour, it can depend on a lot of factors, at this moment, Don't hesitate to add a little flour to get the right dough texture..