Ultimate lemon cake {vegan}

cake au citron sans oeufs

J’espère que la chasse aux œufs a été fructueuse ce week-end de votre côté. Bon à la base j’avais préparé cette petite recette pour Pâques mais alors là c’est clairement raté !!! As a result, au lieu d’une détox à base de salade post orgie chocolatée (don't act innocent), moi je vous propose un cake au citron vegan, mais attention THE recette de cake au citron, la recette ultime de la moelleusitée (néologisme qui va parfaitement bien à ce cake !). Après m’être dévoué à de multiples essais (oui c’est dur, plaignez moi !!!), on y est, It has everything a great !

Lemon cake is a timeless classic,

that we can pimp as we wish, with icing or not, by varying the varieties of lemons (lime, citron, bergamot, yuzu, belt…) or by adding poppy or candied zest . I'll give you the basic recipe with the icing and then it's up to you to play, that’s what I like in cooking, a good basis to then create freely. I hope this recipe will follow you everywhere, anyway here, it is the darling of snacks for children and adults !

lemon cake recipe
Cake au citron vegan
lemon cake recipe

Ultimate lemon cake {vegan}


  • 330 g of flour T65
  • 150 g plain soy yogurt
  • 135 grams of sugar
  • 135 g neutral vegetable oil
  • 5 cl vegetable milk
  • Juice and zest of 2 lemons
  • 1 baking powder


  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 80 g icing sugar
  • Preheat the oven to 170°.
  • Mix together, sugar, the oil, milk and yogurt.
  • Take the zest and juice then reserve a tablespoon of lemon juice.
  • Add flour and baking powder and mix. Finish by adding the juice and zest of the lemons to the dough.
  • Bake 50- 55 minutes.
  • Unmold the cake on a wire rack 5 minutes after removing from the oven.
  • Let cool completely.
  • Mix together the lemon juice you had reserved and the icing sugar.
  • Pour the icing over the cake.
  • Enjoy once the icing has set (or not !)
lemon cake recipe
lemon cake without butter

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  • Milounette

    Lemon and me, it's a great big love story… your cake simply makes me drool !! To be tested urgently ! Hugs and have a nice week.

    • Emilie

      Roh thank you very much, looking forward to your return 🙂

  • Laëtitia


    I tested this cake yesterday and it is ultra soft and well flavored.. I even made one again today to bring to my colleagues ( vegan restaurant in Montreal).
    Just a little note, you forgot the milk in the recipe instructions .

    Good day !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you very much Laëtitia for your return, I'm glad you like it 🙂
      Oops that's an oversight, it's corrected !

      Have a nice day to you too 😉

