Cake with red fruits and almonds {without milk}

Cake aux fruits rouges

La mission du jour était « vidage de congélo » afin de faire du tri (oui il en a besoin de temps en temps monsieur le congélo) et aussi un peu de vide pour laisser la place aux petits pots de Mini-Mademoiselle. Oui car, entre ses compotes et ses purées, elle a le droit à un peu moins de la moitié du congélo tout de même !!! Brief, il y avait donc un petit sachet de fruits rouges qui trainait sans que je sache quoi en faire, il a donc finit en cake aux fruits rouges. Un cake aux fruits rouges donc, mais aussi aux amandes car j’adore les cakes aux amandes, I find that almonds always add a lot of softness to a cake. So who says almond says we don't take it easy, and we add puree and almond powder (when we love we don't count !).

A cake devoured in no time by Monsieur, who came back hungry from a day of work (well not the whole cake I'm exaggerating), but he didn't have to do more than 24 h, at the same time tasted straight out of the oven it’s still quite comforting !

Recette de cake aux fruits rouges

Cake aux fruits rouges et amandes

Cake with red fruits and almonds {without milk}
Pour 1 cake
To print
  1. 200 g whole wheat flour
  2. 150 g ground almonds
  3. 150 g of almond puree
  4. 4 eggs
  5. 150 g mixed red fruits (fresh or frozen)
  6. 100 g cane sugar
  7. 2 c. at c. baking powder
  1. Preheat the oven to 170°.
  2. Beat the eggs with the sugar until the mixture becomes foamy. Add the almond puree and mix.
  3. Add the flour, yeast and almond powder to the previous mixture.
  4. Finally add the red fruits and stir gently.
  5. Pour the mixture into a non-stick cake mold.
  6. Bake 1 hour.
  7. Unmold while hot and leave to cool on a rack..
aime & mange
recette de cake

Cake aux fruits rouges

Nice snack !


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