Roasted carrots with leaf pesto, yogurt and pumpkin seeds

Recette de carottes au four

J’étais à deux doigts de vous proposer un recette de salade, et puis vu le temps un peu partout en France, je me suis dit qu’un truc rôti au four serait pas mal !!! C’est d’ailleurs une des premières années où mon four tourne le plus en été, anyway ! Ces carottes rôties au pesto de fanes seront donc juste parfaites si vous vous caillez en ce moment (ce qui est fort probable) et que vous voulez changer des courgettes que tous vos voisins essayent de vous refiler. D’ailleurs au passage si vous voulez des recettes de courgette, allez voir par là, you will surely find your happiness !

Failing to fill up on the sun, we're full of beta- carotene,

and in addition we put ourselves in anti-waste mode by making pesto with carrot tops. You will see after testing this pesto, it will become a classic in your kitchen ! You can serve your roasted carrots with cereals like quinoa, amaranth or millet to change it up and make it a complete dish. Nothing too complicated in this recipe, I hope you like it as much as we do !

carotte fan pesto
cooked carrot recipe
roasted carrots

Roasted carrots with leaf pesto, yogurt and pumpkin seeds


  • 1 bunch of carrot tops (here multicolored)
  • 200 g plain yogurt (here soy)
  • olive oil
  • the juice of a lemon
  • 1 pinch of cumin
  • salt and pepper
  • 50 g pumpkin seeds


  • the tops of a bunch of carrots
  • 12 cl d’huile d’olive
  • 50 g sunflower seeds
  • 1 clove garlic
  • you sell
  • Separate the carrots from the tops and wash everything thoroughly.
  • Preheat the oven to 200°.
  • Start by roasting the carrots, for that, coat your washed but unpeeled carrots with a mixture of olive oil, salt and pepper then arrange them in a baking dish.
  • Bake the carrots 35 minutes.
  • Meanwhile make the pesto, to do this, remove the tallest stems from the carrot tops (keeping the leaves) then place all the ingredients in a blender. Mix everything until a slightly grainy consistency. Adjust the seasoning if necessary.
  • Prepare the yogurt sauce, for this mix the yogurt with a small drizzle of olive oil, you sell, pepper, cumin and lemon juice.
  • Toast the pumpkin seeds for a few minutes in a dry pan over high heat, stirring constantly.
  • Serve the carrots with the leaf pesto, yoghurt sauce and toasted pumpkin seeds.
carrot tops recipe

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