Chia pudding with coconut milk and grapefruit jelly {vegan}

Chia pudding

Ok, deux cents ans après tout le monde (j’exagère à peine !), je me lance dans la recette du chia pudding. Ça faisait pourtant un petit moment que j’avais acheté ce paquet de graines de chia à l’épicerie bio mais je n’avais pas encore sauté le pas pour goûter à ces petites graines à mucilage. A mucilage mais qu’est-ce qu’elle nous dis là ?! Yes Yes Yes, ces petites graines absorbes dix fois leur volume en liquide et forme un « gel » au contact de la graine (un mucilage), ce qui donne une texture un peu gluante comme le tapioca mais tout ça sans cuisson. As "liquid" I chose coconut milk for its sweetness and also because I love it ! Finally, So it gives a coconut milk chia pudding with a grapefruit jelly on top and a few mint leaves to give a touch of summer.

Bon, I have to confess something to you, we loved it and we're going to do it again soon ! In addition, it’s Corsican grapefruit season, so take the opportunity to make yourself this little fresh recipe.

By the way, the pub is embedded everywhere on the blog, I try to dislodge all that as soon as possible because it does not come from me !

Chia pudding recipes

Chia pudding recipes

Chia pudding with coconut milk and grapefruit jelly {vegan}
Pour 4 people
To print
  1. 330 ml coconut milk
  2. 30 g chia seeds
  3. 1 pinch of vanilla powder
  4. 2 tablespoons of agave syrup
  6. 25 cl of grapefruit juice (environ 3 grapefruits)
  7. 1/4 teaspoon of agar-agar
  8. 2 tablespoons of agave syrup
  1. Mix the coconut milk with the vanilla and the agave syrup then add the chia seeds..
  2. Distribute in 4 pots then let swell in the fridge overnight.
  3. The day after, heat half the grapefruit juice in a saucepan with the agar-agar. Boil the water 2 minutes then mix with the rest of the juice and the agave syrup. Spread over the chia pudding and let cool 30 minutes.
  4. Decorate with grapefruit supremes and mint.
aime & mange
Chia pudding au lait de coco


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  • CookieM

    Practical these seeds that do not require cooking !
    To test why not… the pictures make you want 🙂

  • Maybe two hundred years after everyone, but I had never seen this association and it really makes you want 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you miss, no it's true that this association is a bit out of my imagination !!!

  • Very beautiful pictures !! I have a packet of chia seeds but I have never touched it, now i know what to do with it ! 🙂

  • Clem

    This recipe is so pretty and it looks too easy to make., I keep it in the back of my mind!

  • Albania

    Your photos are just too beautiful ! What colors !
    I love pastel pink and turquoise blue. Lots of fans !

    • Emilie

      Oh thank you so much my dear, you are adorable with your nice compliments !

  • A fresh and light dessert, it's perfect.

  • Maelle

    This little dessert looks delicious, both fresh and light ! Kisses

  • Emily C.

    First of all thank you for this blog and congratulations !
    I tested this pretty recipe but I did not succeed in the second part…I do not master the agar-agar at all it is a failure at each attempt. Should the syrup be allowed to cool in the pan?? Or it comes from the dose… I'm going to try again because it was good anyway !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Emily !
      Ah mince, no need to cool it first, at worst if it doesn't take, you can boil again by adding a little agar-agar .

  • I find this recipe (and your blog that I still knew by name), I adore! Nice pictures too 🙂

    • Emilie

      Thank you very much Maeva, it's adorable 😉

  • Claire BV

    Anyway, the picture is awesome. ! And I learned to make grapefruit jelly, which I suppose must work with the other citrus fruits…

    • Emilie

      Ah yes completely with the other citrus fruits, same lemon and lime !

  • Sophie T

    I don't understand the chia pudding didn't take T_T at all yet I followed everything to the letter. And I left the glasses cool all night long…

    • Emilie

      So I don't know what to answer… no worries here !