Chocolate banana cookies with almond puree {vegan}

Cookies banane chocolat

On a des fois des préoccupations existentielles qui ne le sont pas vraimentun exemple chez nous, le cas épineux des bananes (oui je sais ça n’a pas d’épines les bananes !). J’achète souvent des bananes car c’est un des rares fruits auquel Monsieur n’est pas allergique, et parce qu’aussi j’aime ça. More, je les aime à un certain stade de maturité, et ce stade s’arrête dès quelle devienne trop jaunesoui j’avoue j’aime la banane un peu verte ! Mais où va donc nous mener cette discussion ce monologue me direz-vous ?! Well because suddenly, I often find myself with a few overripe bananas at home.

So after giving you some tips with the recipes from banana bread, of banana mousse, of the muffins bicolores chocolat, banana or even smoothie, I'm switching to chocolate banana cookies today… well yes, cookie cravings cannot be controlled… but these are vegan for a change !

Cookies banane chocolat

Cookies banane chocolat

In addition, they are without complexes and good, what more could you ask for for a snack? ?!!!

Chocolate banana cookies with almond puree {vegan}

Ingredients (for around ten large cookies)

  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 160 g semi-whole wheat flour
  • 130 g of good dark chocolate in pieces
  • 70 g cane sugar
  • 4 c. to s. almond puree or spread
  • 1 c. at c. bicarbonate of soude
  • 1 pinch of vanilla powder


Preheat the oven to 180°.

Mash the bananas then add the almond puree, mix.

Then add all the other ingredients and mix without overworking the dough..

Form balls using an ice cream scoop then place them on a baking tray.

Bake 13 minutes.

Cookies banane chocolat


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  • Celine {A&CN}

    Vegan cookies are often just as good as those with eggs and butter.! Dark chocolate and candied orange, it’s also not bad with the almond puree and I’m keeping aside the idea of ​​the banana… but at home, bananas don't even have time to turn yellow ;-(

  • I have to try with almond puree because I don't know at all.
    This evening also at my house it’s a cookie recipe !

    • Monika

      Are , really very good. I replaced 60g of flour with 60g almond powder and 30g of sugar with 30g coconut sugar.

  • Laurence

    I'm enjoying myself ! Can comment again here, I don't deprive myself especially with a recipe like this, gourmet and delicious 😉
    Well done Emily !!
    Ultra greedy kisses girls and nice to see you again **

    • Emilie

      You know we didn't do anything about the comments… We don't know what happened…
      In any case, merci !!

  • Louise

    They are very tempting, ces cookies vegan !

  • A maple girl

    I don't really like bananas, but the, en cookie chocolat so yumyum, I will give up my share for nothing in the world 😉

  • LadyMilonguera

    Banana and chocolate, Yum !

  • Olalala, these little cookies are cool ! I'm going to take a look in my bio mag

  • Lively

    Hehe I love this fruit too, et j’ai aussi un copain allergique à mille choses. Et étant végétarienne j’apprécie cette recette vegan, à tester vite merci!

  • argon

    ah les cookies …. I adore ! merci ça a l’air bon et la banane j’aime aussi beaucoup !

  • Juliette

    J’avoue que nous avons un peu le même problème à la maison ; mes filles ne mangent plus les bananes dès que la couleur verte est passée ! Sous peu qu’il en reste une bonne demi-douzaine, c’est maman qui doit finir le régime !
    Donc une bonne idée pour écouler les stocks ! Est-ce que le goût de la banane ressort beaucoup ou c’est plutôt discret ?
    Good day !

    • Emilie

      Ah les enfants😉 Le goût ressort mais est bien compensé par le chocolat !

    • Amanda

      Bonjour, I made these cookies today, a treat. I didn't put any sugar, My Bananas were very ripe. Thank you so much for sharing

      • Emilie

        Thank you very much for this nice feedback 🙂

  • laurian

    Oh the cookies….I adore!!

  • Lili

    Miiiiiiam the good cookies !!!!!!! As good as beautiful, no doubt ! 🙂 Kisses kisses xx

  • Anne

    Tested yesterday ! They are actually very good, especially when you pile up a slab of dark chocolate yourself and leave behind big chocolate chips on purpose.
    Only small disappointment, at least you have to know that : these are cookies that remain very soft, absolutely not crunchy. I don't know if it's due to the banana puree., almond puree…. or I was wondering if we removed the bicarbonate ? Maybe that will prevent it from rising, will make them less soft and therefore perhaps harder…
    Thank you anyway, great success at my evening yesterday, everything is gone !

    • Emilie

      Thank you Anne for this feedback. It’s true that they are soft and not crunchy, this is due to the fact that they are vegan and contain bananas.. To see without bicarbonate perhaps…
      Glad they liked it anyway !

      • Martina

        Hi it’s Martinou, well I tried vegan cookies but then I no longer have the impression of eating cake batter no ? What do you think about it? ?
        Kisses girls.

        • Emilie

          It’s true that with banana the texture is less sandy than “real” cookies but it’s a “healthier” version. !


    With delay… online at!

  • Carlotta

    First try of vegan cookies… Wouahou ! They are too good ! Banana flavors, chocolate and almond are very well balanced. By making little cookies I almost had some 30. However, I cooked them a little longer. (16-17 mn), but that depends on the oven. For my part, my previous homemade cookies were soft too, not even vegan, without almond puree or banana. There they are very soft but very slightly crunchy on the outside, perfect ! (oui, I just ate some !)

    • Emilie

      Wow thank you Carlotta for this great feedback !!! I'm glad you liked the recipe, that's why I cook, a thousand thanks 😉

  • Fanny

    Recipe made today and it’s delicious!!! I added hazelnut puree to have a stronger taste than almond and I added pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts that I crushed and roasted.. Indeed the cookies are not crunchy but they are divine nonetheless., so thank you for the recipe 🙂

    • Emilie

      Oh cool, I’m delighted Fanny 😉 Thank you very much !

  • Mom

    Thank you for this recipe! Tested yesterday, this is surprising because it is true and indisputable that they are very soft. After a first batch, I found them a tad sweet. As a result, I added organic cocoa with no added sugar, and it's a great delight!

    • Emilie

      Oui la banane les rends vraiment moelleux mais le lendemain il sont encore mieux je trouve !